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kerry davies

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HSE is carrying out a couple of consultations on withdrawal and revision of ACOPS and the removal of antiquated laws such as those around the explosive nature of ye olde film stock. These may (or may not) be of interest to a few of those more responsible for safety especially the removal of the ACOP for Management of H&S at Work 1999.


There is also an interesting set of studies and information on Otoacoustic Testing associated with Noise at Work, tinnitus etc, I haven't yet read it all but senior guys with PA companies and those at the sharp end of Noise at Work should find it interesting.


Lots of it has been published before but the latest research is gathered with earlier articles in one convenient package.


One other item on the horizon is that HSE will not in the near future be publishing a list of HSE approved First Aid trainers and leaving it more or less up to employers. For those organising this training for staff it is worth checking up on.

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