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Live Video Projection at Rock Music Night


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I've got limited experience with such things,but won't you get a significant time delay by using a pc rather than an MX50 or a Dave?


Ummm... Hopefully only a short one, maybe as little as a second or two. Of course, if we could, we would use an MX50 or a Dave if our budget allowed it, yet unfortunately, it doesn't.

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  • 5 weeks later...
You could always use a video switch (providing the projector doesn't go to blue screen every time you switch the switch) like the ones that are used when you plug a PS2 and a vdo player and a dvd player and a computer etc. into one TV but you only have one input) I have done it before when I ran out of inputs into my video mixer and it does work... just no crossfading etc... I really don't trust computers for this... much rather use hardware solutions... :)
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You could always use a video switch (providing the projector doesn't go to blue screen every time you switch the switch) like the ones that are used when you plug a PS2 and a vdo player and a dvd player and a computer etc. into one TV but you only have one input)  I have done it before when I ran out of inputs into my video mixer and it does work... just no crossfading etc... I really don't trust computers for this... much rather use hardware solutions... :)

No crossfading, just a lovely rolling effect as you loose and regain the sync signal. I really wouldn't recommend this unless you are really desperate. Also as ThaiLD mentioned you may find the projector will go to a blue or black screen, or worse still try a different output to try and find a signal.



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  • 3 weeks later...
And so the countdown shall begin...


20/05/05 is the set date...


I know you were looking for technical help, so this may be a bit OT but have you checked out the licensing provision? Technically, a venue requires a cinema licence for any 'public display of a moving image' unless it is for promotion or advertising only. Most PEL and Theatre licences do not cover this.


Different authorities may have a different approach, but our local authority was having none of it, and we had to get a Cinema Licence in order to use any moving film footage as part of a play, or indeed for band nights.


You can apply for an exceptional and occasional permission for a maximum of five one-off events in a given year.


The New Licensing Act is slightly different, but if the provision of Cinema is not included in the Operating Schedule, then it won't be covered.



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