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Service Contracts

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I've been looking after a number of venues on an adhoc basis for a while now, and one of them have asked me whether I'd look after one of there systems on a service contract for a monthly fee. Its something I'm more than happy to do for them, but as its the first one I've done like this, I'm sturggling to put a price on it!


Just curious to see if other people offer something similar, and what sort of fee's you charge.


The venue is a large hotel, with a large function room with an inbuilt PA system, all housed in the ceiling. It has a system which allows them to put different audio inputs (from around the room) into different areas of the room (it can all be sectioned off via partitions, so sometimes can be two seperate rooms).


They are after the monthly fee to cover the following:-


Routine maintance / checks to make sure everything is okay.

Call out if it goes wrong.

Repairs to the system if it goes wrong (excluding parts/off site work).


Interested to see what everyone thinks, thanks in advance.



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Routine maintance / checks to make sure everything is okay.

Call out if it goes wrong.

Repairs to the system if it goes wrong (excluding parts/off site work).



My bold...


I can't really help you with regards to price, but just wanted to say get your written terms right with regards to the bold bit. For example, what if you're in the middle of a ten-hour shift at the other end of the country and you get a call asking you to come and fix the system for the oh-so-important presentation this evening? Not so much of a problem if you run a company of more than just yourself and always have someone 'at base', but it could get tricky if they expect you to jump when called!



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Cant help with price but do work with contracts like this in my day job. Pricing is going to be very tricky for the first year or so as you wont know what sort of commitment they are likely to be asking for. Unfortunately first year pricing will probably dictate the price you can charge in the future. Also look carefully at what SLA (Service Level Agreements) you give. Will the call you in at a weekend? In the middle of the night? Do they expect a one hour fix? All of this is the sort of information you want laid out in the beginning not being discussed half way through the contract.
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