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Touch screens on Eos/Ion...



19 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you/would you use a touch screen on an ETC Ion/Eos family desk?

    • Yes, but my fingers are too fat to get anything detailed;
    • Yes, I find it invaluable;
    • No because my fingers are STILL too fat...
    • No because I find using the mouse FAR more ergonomic and reactive.

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From a conversation the other day with a fellow Blue Roomer, we got onto the suggestion that it was about time his venue upgraded their Strand 500s to Eos/Ion. His response was that as they have 3 to replace, and logically they'd need to change out all three for compatibility, the option was a little budget restricted right now. Especially considering the touch screen costs.


At that point I asked the question - do you NEED a touch screen? Our Ion allows for 2 to be used , but when we purchased last year our own budget didn't stretch to making both of them touch sensitive, but in hindsight I'd have probably not bothered were I to buy another elsewhere.


So - a short poll...

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Have voted yes I find it invaluable. For an Ion I really do consider it invaluable for quick access - and always end up stabbing away at normal screens when I have them. I'm not that fussed with an Eos as the touch screens built in give enough monitor real estate for presets, palettes and macros though where possible I will still try for touch screens.
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It really depends on what you are programming. For movers, a touch screen on the Ion is very useful, less important for generics. That is assuming that you are doing structured programming and using pallettes and presets.


A touch screen for an Eos is a little unnecessary unless you are programming large rigs as the A/B screens on the board are generally sufficient.

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On the few occasions I use the Ion, I use a touchscreen as I'm used to the logic of the Eos too. Plus the way I set up other desks always uses touchscreens. You can get some really fast access to stuff via touch, so for me - invaluable!



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Yes for a very simple reason - Eos/Ion is an Operating system based around touch - be it through the built in touch on the Eos or that "Virtual" functionality on the Ion. A direct select module on an Ion touchscreen with 50 Presets, 50 Colour Palettes and a module in the CIA with 50 Macros is pretty ideal as a programming interface for me.
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At least one touchscreen, and preferrably two, is invaluable for programming on an Ion - groups and palettes in direct selects make the whole process so much quicker, and having to go for the mouse every time you wanted to 'press a button' on the screen would get very annoying very quickly, I suspect. We have two touchscreens for all of our Ions (and as external monitors on the Eoses) - I wouldn't object too strongly to losing them as Eos external screens, but I really wouldn't like to do any programming on an Ion without them.
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