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PR Pilot 150 - Gobo Issue


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I am trying to get a bit more under the hood of the equipment I use every day and I have been mostly successful till I decided that a basic service of the intelligent lighting was something I could do. I decided I would...

-Clean dust out of units especially fans

-Change bulbs (So they don't blow up)

-Clean lenses


I decided I would not touch the gobo or colour wheels as I have been warned the disturbing the inner workings off these lights can create more problems than it's worth and they were not in a very bad way.


My issue is that one of the PR Pilot 150 moving heads has trouble with it's gobo wheel going out of sync. It often has the wrong gobo selected, judders and sometimes sits in between gobos. What could cause this? I don't think it did it before? It seems to rotate ok when I push it with my finger manually. If it needs lubricate what can I use? The manual says I need "high working temperature low viscosity". What would cover this? Do I need to get a new motor?



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I recently bought some second hand ones. One of mine misbehaved and the seller has a great engineer who did not mind me watching as he sorted out the problem. In my case the large geared wheel was worn in places so it would sometime hop or pick as it rotated. It sounds like you have the same problem. He knew what he was doing and fairly quickly change the gear. I am not sure I would trust myself to do it as easily. Might be worth finding a guy to do it. In my case he pointed out the gear was worn on one half of the depth of the gear, it is symmetrical so flipping it will double the lifespan. ie labour the only cost, or free if you do it yourself
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Ok I have a guy that does my bits but was hoping to do it myself as I want to become more skilled at these things. You have given me something to look at. I eye ball the gears, if it looks warn I will make a judgement weather I feel I can replace it or if I should take it to my guy. I will probably take it to my guy :-)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have found that they are made with very poor metal so once you take it apart you will have hard work getting the unit working again unless your very gentle with taking it apart and rebuliding the metal and also the screw are poor. use the right screwdriver so you dont harm the metal as much.


I find DJ / small venue lights are disposable run them to the ground from new if they die before warranty does you just need to send it back to seller. but dont think you can rip them apart like a robe or martin unit to service wipe them over and keep the fans crean and get inside and wipe what you can without getting a Screw driver out on the inside working. if you get 1 /2 years after the warranty you got a good deal of use for the cost. I tell this to owners of venues you have 2 routes with your lighting buy robe/martin and keep for 10 years but can keep them in good nick and once you renew you can still sell them or move them to other room in venie or buy dj kit and renew every few years but get a new look so can market that you got new lighting.

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I disagree. I have now taken the large drive gear out and turned it round and away I go more life in the unit. There are many many people on this board running to a budget so just running into the ground not an option. It was not as hard as I expected. Having said that I will write up the sequence of taking things off to make it easier next time. The main tool I did not have to hand was a pair of circlip pliers! I realise some here are playing with others money so can get funding to replace with new kit, but for most that is not the case. I do understand the instalation argument, ie run into ground and sell to unsuspecting Ebay buyer! :)
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Once you open a light you lose your warranty unless you have a very good dealer it really is more simple to send it back in the first year..Also most of the DJ moving lights are not made for touring.. I would also be on my guard on ebay from people selling on ex hire movers. if a hire firm sells a unit they have given up on getting it back out on hire or it have done a lot of hrs.
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I would assume it was obvious that if under warrenty the unit would be sent back. Apologies I assumed enough common sense would prevale. After the warrenty has expired an if you think you are able have a look inside!


No offence intended. The Pilot is no longer made and I doubt if any are out there covered by a warrentry any more!


Disagree with you last comment. Big companies have to have the kit their customers want so they sometimes shift on equipment no longer required. No way could I make a case to buy new Mac 250s etc. I can afford some used ones.


As I posted before there are two thought lines. Those spending others money with no real limitations and those like me buying to a budget!

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