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Stutteriing Strand Solo Followspot


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This is a secondhand unit bought for a fairly good price.Tonight after running fine all week and a matinee this afternoon it struck, worked and after about ten minutes decided it needed to restrike and failed. Allowed to cool and restarted, but then failed again. Does this suggest the lamp is on its way out or are there other places to try first?
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I would start with a lamp change and go from there.

Worth looking at the electrical connections to the lamp base for any signs of arcing, but if it's not the lamp, then you're issue likely lies in the ballast and the capacitors therein.



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Classic, after de rig and back home I thought I would give the followspot another try. It started first time quickly and kept running. Tomorrow while sorting the kit out I will give it a serious soak test. Someone did question the quality of the mains in the venue as a possible issue!
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Either that or a dodgy connection somewhere that's been jiggled about whilst in transit. Always worth a shot on second hand gear, especially if there are questions about how it's been handled, either by the previous owner or by a courier.
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Well set up at home while sorting out all the kit back from my show. It ran for four hours without a murmur.After a ten minute switch off no problems re striking. Strangely my leapfrog desk that had also had a dodgy fader seems to work perfectly as well. I do wonder if there is voltage issue, I guess the mains is lower than expected. Incoming is 100A three phase. The packs are wired into different phases but we never really need to balance them carefully, its only large scale community centre lighting!
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