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cct profile zoom very hot


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Hi Guys


I am sure most of you will laugh at this . We are an art org that does illuminating events and just learning the ropes with lighting. So please bare with us.

I bought a CCT MINUETTE PROFILE ZOOM 3 gobo light off ebay. I know but its all we could afford.


Now I just set it up and could not believe in just a few minutes how hot it got I could not even change the gobo as the holder was too hot too handle.

Is this normal?


You could feel the heat coming off of it even though it was set on the floor and I was standing above it.


I am concerned at the level of heat coming off of this light and knew you guys would be able to help .


We have a batch of gobos to fit this light and wanted to purchase more of the lights however I am concerned with the heat.


Thanks any info is very much appreciated.

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The CCT Minuette is a 650W lantern, it will get hot - this is to be expected. Gobos should only be changed when cold for obvious reasons (I can't count how many now have partial copies of my fingerprints on them ;))
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I quickly learned (mainly using Minuettes, funnily enough) that once they've been on for a minute or two, the only way to remove gobo holders (and on fresnels, gel frames) is to wait, or alternatively use a pair of pliers. The Minuettes seem to get especially hot, especially quickly, possibly due to their small size. The focus knob on the fresnels becomes rather uncomfortable after a very short period.
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As others have said, it's normal. Incandescent lamps are incredibly inefficient - only some of their energy is released as light, an awful lot becomes heat.


The upshot of all this is that if you are in the habit of buying a bargain bucket to last you the entire evening, you can leave a lantern at FOH (1ch dimmer makes cables a bit easier), then wrap what you're not eating in tin foil, bung it all inside the body of the lantern, and chuck it up to a suitable dimmer amount to keep it at temperature. Then you can pig out all night and the food doesn't get cold. Winner.

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Not really, the lamp itself is close to the proverbial 1 bar fire, but it is encased in a lantern, which admitedly does get quite hot, but can still be handled with care and gloves. Gobos however, like revenge, are best served cold.
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As many other post, this is probably normal and no grounds for concern.

It would however be advisable to ensure that the correct lamp is fitted, and not some substitute of a greater wattage and therefore even hotter.

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:) Thank You all so much for your replies. That has put my mind at rest . Yes also noticed the focusing knobs get hot. Wow that is really interesting I never knew that they give out more heat than light.


Also noticed within just a few minutes the gob changed colour, as metal does when it gets hot. I think you have just saved my fingers from many a burn.


I got glass coloured filters from Lee filters made as I thought normal gels would melt. Lets hope glass don't crack ha ha


So thank you so much everyone much appreciated.Have a great week

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Standard gel is just fine in the colour frame at the front (that's what it's designed for after all) but if it burns out too quickly you may wish to consider a sheet of Rosco 1991 Heat Shield in front of your gel as well - makes a huge difference to prolong the life of the gel.
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Minuette fresnels at full flood eat through darker gels like they're going out of fashion. However, I've not had any great problems with the profiles; I usually find the front of the lantern is quite a bit cooler than the rear, and gel can last a good while.
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Have a look for 50watt gobo projectors using MR16 lamps. These are the type normally used in foyers and in museums for display lighting. Do a side by side comparison with a 650w profile and they are not too far apart. Selecon Display Profile


The Strand Minimprofile was designed for window displays and is meant to use a 300w lamp so that will give you a slightly ? cooler option.


This is one application where leds would work. You will need at least a 40w led. Have a look at the ADJ X-Color/GP LED plus which allows you to make your own plastic gobos. There is a 20w version out as well. The 20w version is RGB and has a built in gobo rotator, DMX control, stand alone and sound to light.


There is also the effects projectors as another option. Solar 250

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