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Couple of Titan V5 questions


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Two questions:


  1. You can patch several dimmers on the same handle and dim them together, can you do the same with movers? I have several groups of movers I want to dim constantly throughout a show without having to store each group on a playback. Is it possible to connect the dimmer attribute for the group to a fixture handle some how?
  2. I have a row of LED cans, I want the first to change colour then release to its original colour, then the next to change colour then release to its original colour and so on so that you'd see say 5 blue LED cans with a pulse of white passing across them. I know that you could do this quite easily with a chase and setting blue & white colours on the cans but the problem I'm having is the original colour will not always be the same. The cans may be red after the last cue or they may be green etc. but I still want this colour changing effect. I tried recording a chase and setting each can to turn white, then excluding the colour attribute for that can before recording the next can as white and then setting a colour release mask for the whole playback. However this releases the colour when the playback is brought down, not after each cue in the chase is run, is there a way around this?

Thanks :)




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1) I would record this by channel as its the easiest way to do this. aslong as the handle only has intensity recorded you should be fine.



2) Without a desk infront of me I couldn't say 100% but if your release mask is set correctly then create the shape using shape generator and again record by channel. This should mean that providing your desk is set for handles to 'kill at zero' then it should release to its original colour. Unless it need's to be done as a chase? If you create your shape slightly faster then you would intend to use it and use the handle to control speed then you can beat match this way.






Hope this helps.

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For question 2, when we looked into it a few years back to do it on a classic pearl, Avo's answer was that they couldn't think of a way on classic but that Titan would allow you to create a shape with a 100% offset, which would let you do just this. I haven't tried this again since so couldn't say if it was now possible, but I do believe so.
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1) It is not possible to assign more than one fixture to a handle, but even if it were this would mean all attributes would be treated the same which is probably not what you want. If it were then the solution is to simply address them all the same. Group masters is targetted for a future version. In the meantime it is possible to fudge an 'inhibit' master by using custom shapes. See here for details.


2) Similarly, release per step is currently not possible but the requirement for this application is understood. Again the workaround is to use custom shapes. See here for more info.

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Foolish me forgot you could record cues on to fixture handles so I just did it as Gordon suggested and it worked perfectly :)


I'm not sure how answering 2 would work with a shape. Unless there was an RGB white shape which there isn't (at least not on the fixture that I have), then you could spread it over the number of fixtures you have and put the speed on the fader as suggested. I only have shapes for blue, green and red which although interesting, I think a white pulse would look better. Nick thanks for those very interesting links, I'm reluctant to apply them to the desk just because I wouldn't fully know & understand what I'm doing but it's nice to know they exist, just in case!

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That's perfectly sensible..


However, if you did want to experiment then the file you are modifying is shape.xml which exists in c:\program files\avolites\titan\fixture library. The file is included in the fixture library and will/can always be replaced simply by updating which limits the risk. Alternatively you can make a copy of the original and call it shape.old or something similar. In the event of a disaster simply rename this back to shape.xml and all is restored.


I would suggest you download the simulator and experiment with that initially.


While technically an xml file it can be modified carefully in a text editor such as Notepad. And if you wanted to be sure you can always load it into an xml editor (such as xml notepad) which will immediately identify any errors if there are any. The file is read when starting the software, therefore to test any changes you must restart. This does not mean, however, that you need to use a new show.

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To try and answer question 2.

Set your LED fixtures to the base colour you want them to return to,which in your case is Blue.In this instance we are talking about 5 LED cans,record a chase with five steps with all the LED fixtures in Blue.Close the chase.

On an Avo Console hit the unfold button and select the chase.Your five step chase will unfold on the rollercue,select fixture 1 and change the colour to O/W( I do this with pallettes rather than manually) use the record option on the programmer,record fader one,change fixture two to O/W and record step two,repeat for all five fixtures hit unfold when you are finished and the chase will close.

Run your chase and adjust speed/crossfade as required.

You should now have a white colour chasing across five LED cans and returning to blue base colour.

This is an old way of doing things by giving all the fixtures in every step of a chase a base value to return to, works with all attributes.

Before shape generators/effects engines were developed this was a standard method of creating effects and is still used by many programmers.


if I've misunderstood your post or what your trying to do here.Sorry.


Best C

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