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Soundweb 9088 RS232-USB Win7


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I have had some problems connecting to an old Soundweb 9088 (not the 9088ii) from a Windows 7/64 bit laptop. I can connect quite successfully and reliably to my own 9088ii using an ageing IP-serial converter (Atop SE5001) and a null modem cable but get very little success with the customer's 9088 using exactly the same cables etc. Sometimes it will connect once but as soon as I go offline and attempt to go back online it will not see the 9088 any more. Sometimes it will see the 9088 and then almost immediately lose it. I can see the serial port trying to contact the 9088 as it has an activity light on the top. I get the same symptoms using either the front (38400 baud) port or the rear (115200 baud) port.


My real question is:- has anyone got actual experience of reliably connecting Windows 7/64 to a 9088, either using a USB-serial converter or an IP-serial converter? A USB converter would be preferable as it is one less thing to plug in. However, it seems that there are not many USB-serial converters which have Win7/64 drivers.


It is not out of the question, of course, that the customer's 9088 has a fault but the fact that it occasionally works makes me doubt that.




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I freelance for a well known audio installer, and regularly use all variants of SW london with win7 using a usb to RS232 adapter.

I have found that the adaptors are quite hit and miss as are the settings you select on your laptop


I personally use a el cheapo note pad (samsung N140) running win 7 and a rs232 adapter to usb dongle thing.

I think alot of it is the adapter rather than the SW units.


I can use this adaptor on any laptop and get drivers and use on a SW.


Id ditch the adapter and try another and see how you go.


I can dig the adaptor out and see which it is if that helps you



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Id ditch the adapter and try another and see how you go.


I can dig the adaptor out and see which it is if that helps you



Hi Dan,


That would be very helpful when you get a chance. I suspect you are right. The annoying thing is that I used to use an XP laptop with a noname adaptor that I got off e-bay and that worked fine. Unfortunately both of them are now defunct so I'm having to start again!




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Thanks both. Have ordered one and will see how it goes. I think that the last time I looked there wasn't anything which claimed to work on Win7/64. Fingers crossed...




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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to button this up - for anyone else who has trouble, I bought a PL2303 based device for a tenner on ebay and had an opportunity to check it out on the offending 9088 yesterday. It functioned perfectly and I deliberately did stuff like unplugging it without going offline to check that it would reconnect - never missed a beat.


Thanks for the info all



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