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Strand MX display


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Does anyone know where to find the MXtrem software for use with the Strand MX board?

After failing to control the lights in my studio using the MagicQ software due to the age of our equipment, I have now set out to improve the equipment we already have instead. We currently have a Strand MX board which has been discontinued by the company but is still working fine. I want to connect it to my laptop to act as an external display. From reading the manual and searching the internet I know I need to find MXterm software but I can't find it anywhere. It doesn't even seem to appear on the strand archive website which supposedly has all past strand products. I have already bought the serial lead to connect the board to my laptop, now I just need the software. Can anyone tell me if any where I can find this software? Thanks, Ryan

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Thanks for that, I had been looking on the software section of the site rather than the board itself. Do you know which version of windows I will need to use as I have downloaded it onto a Windows 7 PC but it says it isn't compatible with the version of windows, I have access to Vista and XP on other computers but if I need to go any further back I'm not sure I'll be able to find a suitable computer.


Thanks for your help.



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I know I need to find MXterm software but I can't find it anywhere. It doesn't even seem to appear on the strand archive website which supposedly has all past strand products. I have already bought the serial lead to connect the board to my laptop, now I just need the software. Can anyone tell me if any where I can find this software? Thanks, Ryan[/size][/font]


Well, if MXTerm is being a particular issue you could try a serial terminal program designed to run in Windows such as Teraterm or PuTTY. You might have to tweak the terminal options a little but it should work.



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MXterm did indeed run under DOS. But I think it is effectively a terminal emulator that emulates the screen side of the venerable VT100 (remember those?!) It uses the same cursor addressing escape codes so if you can find something which will run on your OS and emulate a VT100 (or more commonly a VT220) then I imagine that would work.



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