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Do you have existing amps that you want to reuse?

Do you always use the sub with them?

Do you need the ability to fly the replacements?


What sort of output are you using them for?


What does 'Not too expensive' mean in ££££

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I have a budget of around £300 for the pair.... (not much ,I know)


Would like to use my existing Samson SX 2800 amp (900w per channel)


Would rather have Passive...


Would probably use the SWA 18001 on most setups...


Main use for the PA is vocal reinforcement, small bands and theatrical shows (with radio mics and live band)


Main options I have come up with are:


Behringer B1220 eurolive pro




Mackie C300z


Anyone have any opinions on these?




Thanks for the responses...


BTW I have now gone with a pair of Behringer B1520 pro...




Thanks for the responses...


BTW I have now gone with a pair of Behringer B1520 pro...



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