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Will this work together or should I save my money?


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Hi all,

Just after some advise, I've currently got a pair of Adlib AA151 speakers and have been looking for some bass bins to use with these for a while (for djing upto 250 guests max). I've been offered some 300watt 12" Adlib bins that the seller assures me he uses with the same tops. Am just wondering if they are worth paying out on or would it not sound right?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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What model are the subs? How low do they play? What's their 1w/1m ?


Looking at the full range unit you have that I imagine you intend to use as an MHF box, http://www.adlibsolutions.co.uk/product/Adlib_Audio_AA151/29/54.aspx, I'm not sure you'll notice much difference in what you hear downstairs, at least not with just a single pair of 12" subs. But without the data, or better still hearing them, as Simon suggests, I may be wrong.


If you do go to listen, get them to demo a 12" mid top box over whatever subs, you may prefer to the 15"

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Thanks for your replies, Adlib no longer make this model so I've not been able to find any spec sheets on them or been able to request a demo and the seller doesn't have this info either.

If I can't get this info an cant demo would you recommend I give them a miss and hold out for the 15"?

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