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Basic mixer/cable question


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Thank you everyone. I will buy a mixer with more microphone preamps. just whilst we are on the subject of these preamps - are they only for microphones? would the likes of an output of a cd player or laptop need a preamp or could it go into a line level input?


thanks for your help guys, its been really helpful

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Well I do apologise.

My answer was based on the fact that I have the very mixer sitting next to me, and when I plugged in a microphone to the left channel of one of the grouped inputs, I got a perfectly usable sound. But hey, you're the expert.


Well, you either have a magic microphone that puts out a signal 40dB or so louder than it's supposed to or you're accepting a very low level and/or very noisy signal. Either way, it was extremely dodgy advice.


I try to give good advice in a pleasant way to newbies--but you've just been dropped from my Christmas card list.


Good luck with your future career but I suspect it will be a short one if you think plugging a mic level source into a line level input gives "perfectly usable sound".

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