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Job interview

Al Cain

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This may sound a bit silly, however I have an interview next week for a full time job as a Chief Technician and am not too sure what to wear.

Something in my mind says smart casual, like Shirt, Jacket and smart trousers, with a tie in the pocket in case I feel its required, the other half of me says a suit as it will show that I can look smart when required.


For your info, the job is in a university based theatre and is full time.


So what I'm really asking is, if you were the interviewer, then what would you prefer I was wearing? - I understand about wearing something that I'm comfitable in etc.


(mods, if you want to move this to the Crew Room or somewhere else, then please do)






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You can always ring up the admin person who arranged the interview and ask them.


Having worked in a university drama dept in the past, however, I suspect smart casual will be fine and a suit may even make you look a bit out of touch with what goes on there. The staff at the uni where I worked were all very scruffy/bohemian-looking and I don't think I ever saw a single suit when I was there. But personally I'd call and ask them if I was unsure.


Incidentally, I had an interview for a similar position the other week at a production company, was unsure how formal the interview was likely to be and called the HR person who arranged it and she said smart shirt + shoes would be fine (and they offered me the job).

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I would go for the suit. The fact it is for a University is the deciding factor for me. You may well get someone from HR or a senior academic on the panel and they may not understand that a black polo shirt is, to us, the height of sartorial elegance.


I wore a suit to my interview at the University I now work for. I haven't worn one since though!




This may sound a bit silly, however I have an interview next week for a full time job as a Chief Technician and am not too sure what to wear.

Something in my mind says smart casual, like Shirt, Jacket and smart trousers, with a tie in the pocket in case I feel its required, the other half of me says a suit as it will show that I can look smart when required.


For your info, the job is in a university based theatre and is full time.


So what I'm really asking is, if you were the interviewer, then what would you prefer I was wearing? - I understand about wearing something that I'm comfitable in etc.


(mods, if you want to move this to the Crew Room or somewhere else, then please do)






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I interview for staff fairly regularly and, for me, I'd expect anyone going for a job that involves management (Technical Manager, Production Manager etc) to wear a suit and any job that involves being technical and working shows to go with smart casual. That's easy to follow until you're going for a Stage Manager's job where 'Manager' is in the title and job description but crawling around on dirty floors under bits of deckng is also involved! In those circumstances you have to run the perccentages: if more than 50% of the job is management then suit, less than 50% smart cas.


Just my 2p.

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I don't think most places would worry too much about the difference between "smart casual" and a suit, providing when you say "jacket" you mean some kind of blazer or similar. If you mean a windbreaker or anorak, go for the suit.


Wear the tie. Despite what some might tell you, I don't think you can ever be over-dressed for an interview but you can certainly mess up your chances by being under-dressed.

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Last few interviews I've had I've showed up in motorcycle leathers I've also never failed to get a job when I've shown up in leathers or jeans. The way I see it, you're employing me for my ability to do my job not the way I look.
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I suppose if you are going for a job which involves working in the roof or under the ground you might get away with looking like a scrote but for any job with client facing potential I would go with Aaron-Hill07's look with a tie in your pocket so that you can put it on in the loo if you get that vibe on arrival for the interview.
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Having been to and conducted many interviews, "smart blacks" is probably best with no silly distractions. A few years back I interviewed two guys who were perfect for the job and I couldn't put a cigarette paper between them, till one crossed his legs and revealed socks with his name in them!
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Having been to and conducted many interviews, "smart blacks" is probably best with no silly distractions. A few years back I interviewed two guys who were perfect for the job and I couldn't put a cigarette paper between them, till one crossed his legs and revealed socks with his name in them!


So were the socks in his favour or not?

Personally I would not choose staff based on sock selection.

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Having been to and conducted many interviews, "smart blacks" is probably best with no silly distractions. A few years back I interviewed two guys who were perfect for the job and I couldn't put a cigarette paper between them, till one crossed his legs and revealed socks with his name in them!


So were the socks in his favour or not?

Personally I would not choose staff based on sock selection.


Definitely against, a bit like wearing a Disney or Simpsons tie. He got the job because the other guy got a better offer, and I told him afterwards why I'd been swayed. He told me he hadn't planned to wear them, but his girlfriend had nagged him into it.

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He told me he hadn't planned to wear them, but his girlfriend had nagged him into it.


And my girlfriend always wonders why I take her fashion advice with a pinch of salt when it comes to suits, shirts and ties...

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Forget dress code...you want them to understand you are the "original" and are to be taken seriously. You arrive b@ll@ck nekkid.


Jump the queue, stroll into the interview room, turf out the bod in the hot seat and simply state, "I'll be in on Monday."


Bound to impress...I say go for it.

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