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Architectural Lighting controller advice


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Hi All,


I am looking for an architectural lighting controller that will output DMX and let me have various looks/chases/etc accessible at the touch of a button. I've installed a number of RGB downlighters around the perimeter of a building and now I need an idiot proof way of controlling them, (the venue staff to turn them on and off, not myself!) I am also happy to programme the controller, whatever it may be.


I also need said controller to have an input for some sort of LUX sensor to allow something to happen when the ambient light level dips down to a certain level.


Any ideas? I've been going around in circles and I can seem to find much.





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I used to program architectural controllers for a living.


Whilst they can do what you ask, they are relativly expensive and a specialist job to setup (the names to look for are Phillips-Dynalite, iLight, lutron etc)


so if you want to kepe the costs down, forget dedicated system and see what theatrical stuff you can re-purpose, the issue you may find is archetectual systems once setup can run for decades and theatrical stuff is not designed for that kind of runtime.

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Last PLASA I had a chat with the nice people at CueCore.


Which would do everything you want of it. Unfortunately I changed jobs and never quite got round to using one in the real world. I seem to remember talking a ball park cost of just under £1k per unit.

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Also look at Interactive Technologies SceneStation which might do all you want in one wall panel (maybe) otherwise their CueServer device with some outstations might be ideal.


I've done a few random architectural control solutions myself.. including one where the colour of the lights was controlled by a text message, for a company which mainly specialises in mobile stuff, so pretty much anything's possible...


Steer clear of iLight / Lutron if you want to do this on a budget and repurpose other products (I'm in the process of doing just that with my house which will be ran off DMX rather than any of the bespoke architectural systems by the time I'm finished with it)

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Used both Cueserver and Pharos, Pharos has a very nice front end which you end up paying for. Cueserver a bit plainer but easily IP accessible as well, now has integration with Lightfactory for programming shows or will record from DMX stream, though not edit on the box a recorded stream.


Cueserver was 1100 odd list, Pharos quite a bit more.


Have considered Daslight`s recent offerings , but mounting was a pest, wall plate or DIN rail is usually easier.


At the couple of hundred quid level there are some DMX recorders that will play back a recorded stream, usually limited to short chunks so slow fades aren`t possible.

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Astronomical clock functions on more sophisticated ones are programmed with lat and long co-ords and calculate sunrise and sunset for where they are installed.


Would caution on placement of the light sensor, most all of the architectural recorders will have some dry switch input to trigger, just need a standard lux sensor from an electrical wholesaler.Just mount it high enough that it reacts to daylight, not trees in leaf , passing traffic, reversing trucks etc...

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