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Strand SL issues


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Hi all.

I'm new here, but I did a quick forum search and didn't find an answer...


Our venue has 31 Strand SL's. About half are 23/50's and the other half are 15/32's. Of the 31 units, 20 have cracked reflectors. Most are just hairline cracks about an inch long, but some are much bigger. Is there a known cause, and can you stop it from happening? The second problem we have with them is that the ceramic 'filling' around the bottom of the glass envelope of the lamp seems to dissolve away, leaving the glass envelope flapping around in the metal. Is there a fix for this, or a different bubble that can be used? We use 600W GLB 6991P lamps.




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I believe this is/was a known issue, but last I heard about it, must have been a good 5 years ago. Since then Strand have been brought out by Phillips, so who knows what the spare parts situation is like.


I did a search and found this topicwhich may be of interest?




Thanks David.

I did find that topic, but as you say, it was about 6 years ago, and whilst it did identify the problem, it never really gave a solution, or an end result on behalf of Strand. I was hoping someone might have some extra or more recent info.



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Strand have all but died out now really. When Philips came rolling along to buy Genlyte and got a little surprise finding Vari-Lite and Strand they didn't really know what to do with them... VL became their moving lights, Strand their 'controls' division, Selecon their Lanterns and Colour Kinetics their LED side of the things, all under the happy Philips brand. Therefore, Strand don't really do Lanterns any more, but they do still have some spare parts over in Dallas I believe.


Try contacting Grant Smith on 07919 691702 or grant.bales-smith@philips.com

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Cracks in SL reflectors are a common problem, sadly - one which Strand were well aware of before it all went belly-up for them. See my post from 9/8/2005 in the topic linked to above for more detailed explanation on the cause and symptoms. Sadly, the spares situation for SLs is now pretty dire - there's hardly anything left in the way of spares, which is why most people who run fleets of SLs are now buying up lanterns on Ebay to cannibalise for spares.


The lack of availability of spares, combined with the multitude of problems that SLs suffered from (reflectors cracking, lamp bases burning out, steel screws seizing into aluminium castings, colour runners shearing off, resin blocks fracturing in the rotation collars, etc.) means, I suspect, that in the next few years there are going to be a lot of SLs coming up for sale on Ebay, etc. as people replace them with something more serviceable.

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