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Radio/comms loop interface hire

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For an upcoming show we will need to hire in some radios to provide crew comms as the talent be held in several different parts of the building before they perform (the current estimate of cast numbers is at around the 500 mark). Ideally we would like to interface the radios with our existing comms system to make the SM's job a little easier.


We currently use a Tecpro comms system on one circuit but would probably be looking to hire at least one two channel belt back and a radio interface so the SM can have the crew in house and in the holding areas on separate loops, with the crew not in the venue having radios as it will be impossible to run wired comms for them.


Does anyone know of any companies in/around the Leeds area that have a wired comms->radio interface and two channel belt packs for hire that they could recommend? Another possibility would be to hire in wireless comms although I'm assuming that that would be prohibitively expensive and possibly won't offer the range we need.

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You can buy from Canford a Walkie Talkie Interface for £240 + £32 for the XLR -> Jacks adaptor (all plus vat).


We run Altair wireless comms which will run Tecpro beltpacks & give you 8 ways of wireless duplex comms however without seeing the venue and distance to cover I wouldn't want to guarantee even with the addition 2 8db high gain antennas.

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I think wireless comms are probably a no go on the signal strength front, the building in question often has issues with radios so I don't think the transmit power on the wireless stuff will be high enough. For what we need simplex with radios will be fine, it's just coming up with a solution to link this into the SM's cans. I may make a bodge lead that combines the output from a cans belt pack and a radio into one headset however I'd rather hire something in that's designed for it and will allow comms across the rest of the network. Using the signal button as a PTT seems ideal to me, so long as I take the lamps out of the belt packs.


We are looking to hire only, we don't have any money or future need to buy.

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Is this a show in the uni? Which venue? I don't suppose it's Sweeney Todd is it?

Would be helpful to know which venue and rooms we're talking about - would give some idea of distances.


Try some of the usual suspects like 3d productions. They don't list wireless comms kit but with some of the size events they work on, will probably have some contacts who can get them. Also don't forget that SSE now have a northern office in Bradford. There may well be something that'll do the job within the SSE group that you can hire.


Or alternatively Canford will hire you a walkie talkie interface for the princely sum of £12 a week. Clearly there will be postage to sort as well, but it's not exactly a pallet sized lump;






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Nope, it's for Dance Show in a couple of weeks. The cast will be held in the meeting rooms in the Arc (probably) then performing in The Riley having entered through the stage door in a much convoluted route through the Union. So, basically we'll be using the two opposite sides of the building which is renound for eating wireless signals at most frequencies. Orange have installed boosters throughout the building and it sounds as though other networks may be following suit.


Thanks for the offers of companies I'll chase them up and see what's available, this isn't something we've had to hire in the past and I can't see it listed on any of the usual suspects hire lists. I think we'll just try to keep it simple and use walkie talkies with a cans interface since radios are reasonably cheap to hire.

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