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Complete a short Lighting design/operator/technician Questionnaire and


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Hi all,


*EDIT: For some reason the post title got cut off, the incentive to do this short survey is to win a ChamSys Magic DMX dongle! woo! *


I'm conducting some research into the changing roles and responsibilities of those working in Lighting, and the parts technology and trends inevitably play.


I'd be grateful if you would complete this short survey that gives you a chance to explain your observations and experiences.


As the disclaimer explains, it's all confidential/anonymous, so don't worry about personal data or any of that boring stuff. Only thing is, if you want to be entered into the draw for the Magic DMX dongle, I will need an email address or your blue-room user name to enter you into the draw.


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to PM me. Further more, as the survey is a first draft, if you have any suggestions that enable the respondent to elaborate more, I'm always listening. Bear in mind I can't add any more questions though, something about a 10 question limit for the free account....


Anyway, the survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NT8RJYG


Thanks for those who decide to participate! And good luck winning on of these: http://chamsys.co.uk/magicdmx

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Q5 & Q6 I've got no chance of answering in any meaningful fashion in a sentence, and especially asking about the "advent of computer control systems" - the question implies that and the "pre-programming" of shows is a contemporary thing. Q7 & Q8 I certainly could answer briefly, but I doubt it would help your research! ;)


ETA: Didn't mean to sound negative, hope it doesn't come across that way.

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well I suppose you can be as in depth as you like, or skip the question(s) completely. maybe some really bored people will fancy sitting there and writing a mini essay in one of the boxes, or maybe some just do the multiple choice stuff on the first page. either are cool.


some of the questions are just for getting some opinions other than my own, how useful any of this for the research will be remains to be seen... kind of an experiment really B-)

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Just to confirm/recap, all the email address/blue-room user names entered in the last question will be entered into the draw. If you don't want to enter those details on a random online survey (understandable), just PM me your details instead as some of you have done already.


By the way many thanks to those who have participated already, some really interesting insights/opinions coming through.


I'll do the draw then the responses have seriously slowed down, or I get bored. whichever occurs soonest!


And Wol, on the bright side you have a lot less chance of NOT winning it than winning, so it's all good really http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif

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And Wol, on the bright side you have a lot less chance of NOT winning it than winning, so it's all good really http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif


Not really sure what I'd do with it if I did in fact win one.... :P

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