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Scottish BECTU members.


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Used to be. ACTT from 1969 to 1991, then BECTU until I was made redundant by STV in 1993. No trade unions at my next employer which was an American semiconductor manufacturer in East Kilbride.


Does that count?

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The insurance issue appears to have been resolved, particularly with the next renewal with a different provider. It's increased to 10 million cover and now covers the factors that caused the controversy before.

I too am with BECTU primarily because of the liability insurance, but also firmly believe that unions are important. Not the old stagnant ones from the past, but the young vibrant ones that have their feet on the ground.


The only issue I have with BECTU at the moment is their shockingly racist "Move on Up" thing where they seem to be hell-bent on getting ethnic "minorities" represented on a percentage balanced basis in the entertainment industry by arranging meetings with high profile media employers. This isn't how an industry works. The correct people for the job are the ones who have the mental aptitude for the job regardless of their colour.

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I agree with bigclive 100% ... the "Move on Up" thing is a bit odd, but I'm with BECTU primarily for the liability insurance.


That said, they did a good job of bringing the unpaid labour issue at the recent MOBO awards into the public eye and ensuring that all the 'unpaid positions' would indeed be paid as legally required... not that we should really have needed a union for an organisation the size of the Mobo Awards to work that out !

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