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LINSN Led Screen Sender


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Hi All


Wonder if you can help


Im not the best at video so please excuse me.


Ive got a Visualed st18 LED Screen and I have the standard LINSN sender card. It uses the LED Studio software to configure it.


Ive configured the screen so all the panels work correctly but when I give the sender a video signal on the DVI input the image appears but I get green specals of interference. its like random pixels flashing randomly.


I have a Barco Screen Pro HD plugged into the screen aswell and that does the same thing.


I dont know if its got anything to do with the refresh rates or what


Any Help would be great



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I'd agree. Sounds like the sparkles you get as you approach the cliff edge where the signal becomes so mangled the receiving device can't interpret it.


Use a shorter, or higher quality cable, or drop the resolution.


I'd agree. Sounds like the sparkles you get as you approach the cliff edge where the signal becomes so mangled the receiving device can't interpret it.


Use a shorter, or higher quality cable, or drop the resolution.

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Cheers guys for the speedy reply


The lengths of DVI im using are only short, 2m MAX!


When I plug a TFT into the feed the signal is fine its only when I plug the LED screen in do I get the little flashing random pixels.


Its very strange!


Ive tryed plugging my laptop straight into the screen from the HDMI output with a HDMI - DVI cable and that works fine. Crystal Clear.

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Its not that strange - you have a DVI cable which is not supporting the bandwidth required to get a clear signal to the screen. The HDMI cable you tried instead is supporting the bandwidth.


Get a better quality DVI cable, or use a lower resolution output, or both.

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