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Wardrobe Skips


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Robert Knight Top of the Bill pulled one of those tricks where they wound the company up, bought the assets for peanuts and set up next day down the road trading as if it was business as usual when in fact they had diddled freelancers[including me], staff and Government Depts to the tune of £10K's.


Not good...


I think the original question refers to Wicker costume skips which do have wheels - unfortunately I don't know a supplier.



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TR in Plymouth use these or similar:




I believe they give adequate ventilation to sweaty costumes too.


Be warned that when loaded they are heavy and difficult to control if the wheels get damaged (think supermarket trolley).


Plus they found at TR the height of the things caused issues with hitting wall mounted light fittings, rubbing the old publicity photo frames off the walls, not to mention gouging out chunks of concrete block.


The solution was to raise the height of the light fittings and fix pretty chunky dado rails to all the walls/corridors backstage. Seems to have worked so far.

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Robert Knight Top of the Bill pulled one of those tricks where they wound the company up, bought the assets for peanuts and set up next day down the road trading as if it was business as usual when in fact they had diddled freelancers[including me], staff and Government Depts to the tune of £10K's.


Not good...


I think the original question refers to Wicker costume skips which do have wheels - unfortunately I don't know a supplier.



I'm sorry to hear this. When I had contact with Bob Knight in the late 90s we had good service and no complaints. However circumstances change, and this is not good, but sadly not uncommon.


However, the main point of my post was to suggest, rather too subtly perhaps, that the original poster may have benefited from using the search facility.


As regards the BECTU advice, that is a fair point. However there are pros and cons as well - one is flighcases dont "breath" in my experience, though if having cases made specifically for costumes, of course you could specify ventilation, or simply drill a few holes in a standard road trunk. The pro in favour of cardboards is their self-weight tends to be less than a flightcase, so more payload, and it is perfectly possible to put the skips onto a dolly for moving around. If there is no lift available, then wheels aren't necessarily a good thing - it's easier (in my experience at least) to push/pull the cardboards up stairs on their wooden skids than to carry a wheeled road trunk up. And of course, packers could use a bit of nous and take care NOT to overload them...


As regards wicker baskets, I didn't mention them because they are, as you implied, quite difficult to find these days. I had a reference to an online source of medium sized wicker baskets with hinged lids on file from a year or three ago, but when I checked it the site says these items are discontinued. To be honest, I couldn't be arsed to do more research to check whether wickers were a viable solution before suggesting them to the OP. If anyone is interested the link is here, but it looks to me as if they concentrate on the home-furnishing / interior decorating market rather than our rather more industrial requirements.


OK, so I've had another look at the website referred to, and in the Picnic Hampers section there are some possibilities, right down at the bottom of the page.... They're not very big, but this means they'd find favour with BECTU, because they wouldn't end up being too heavy. 3 or 4 of them would be great for touring a small cast show. ( this is what we used on the small scale shows I used to tour in the esarly 90s)

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