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PA hire


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Hey there,


I'm organizing a gig in London. The venue is fairly small (200 people) I need PA hire and Lighting hire. What PA systems do you think is better for a small venue? Any other tips will be highly appreciated



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No one can give any meaningful answer to this. There is not enough information about the venue or event.


The venue is in east London, indoor 200 people. The show on March the 10th. Electronic music. I need PA hire, so I was wondering what speakers will be good enough for a small venue? Also I need stage lighting, since I need to hire both I would like to use the same company, any recommendations, or companies that you have worked before with good results?


Thanks again

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10 out of 10 are in London and will be able to sort you with all you need. As will loads of other companies. Phone them, tell them what you've just put there. Answer their questions and they should be able to quote you for everything you need.



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There are several members of the Blue Room who run hire businesses that deliver to London so I'm sure you'll get lots of help there. However, just to point out to you that your question is a bit like saying:


I need to drive from London to Birmingham. What sort of car would be best?


At the end of the day you'll get better results with a good engineer using a mediore PA than with someone who doesn't really know what they're doing using a top of the range PA, just like having a bad driver in a BMW as opposed to a good driver in a Saab. (At the end of the day neither of them can legally go over 70mph on a motorway!) I hope that helps you to understand people's reluctance to rush in and recommend kit.

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Hey, Just Some Bloke,


Whilst SAAB may be bankrupt they made some great cars and anyone with good taste would rather own one the a Beemer which would be guaranteed undriveable in this wintry weather.


Bad comparison !


PS I've got 26" legs and there wasn't enough legroom in the BMW I was given to drive.

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