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Cross fading on Showmaster 48 deck


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Have purchased a Showmaster 48 lighting control deck and am experiencing an issue when cross fading. I'm not sure whether this is a fault with the deck or just a "feature".

When cross fading, moving the master sliders at a constant speed results in the lighting scene change not being smooth. If you're moving from a dimly lit scene to a bright one, then it's quite noticeable.

Instead of a smooth transition, the lights jump in intensity two or three times during the cross fade process.

If you look at the numbers on the segment display as you cross fade, then instead changing at a constant rate, they "pause" then continue.

Has anyone else experienced this on a Showmaster 48 or perhaps any other lighting controller ??



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Thanks Brian. Our amateur dramatics group have only just purchased this controller as part of a complete upgrade to our lighting system so I'm hoping it is a fault because it's under guarantee and we can get it replaced. If it's a "feature", then I'm going to be a bit miffed.


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