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ROBOSCANS pro 918s


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Hello I bought a pair of MINT condition roboscan 918s off Ebay and I need some help as to "address" them as I want to use them with a EUROLIGHT

I am familiar with the switch system but not the digital kind like these have can anyone help me ???

Should I "reset" first ?? is that possible??


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Hello I bought a pair of MINT condition roboscan 918s off Ebay and I need some help as to "address" them as I want to use them with a EUROLIGHT

I am familiar with the switch system but not the digital kind like these have can anyone help me ???

Should I "reset" first ?? is that possible??



Here is where you should look first! (the manual)



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DAVE....thanks for the sarcasm !!! .

.I have downloaded one and have read it ALL

I am a qualified domestic electrician and I have the sense to do that !!

If I was sure of what I had to do I would NOT have posted on here eh?

I this SUPPOSED to be a HELP forum ??

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Its all in the manual.


Button Presses are in Caps, Menu readouts are in bold



Hit MENU -> Then Use the UP or DOWN buttons until you see dAdr -> Hit ENTER -> Number displayed is the DMX Address, use the UP or DOWN buttons to select the address, and then hit ENTER to confirm.

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To be honest DrV was completely correct, I just followed his link to the Manual, and read/ looked at what's on Page 9 of the User manual DrV linked to and typed what I saw.


Also may I suggest that you read some of the sticky's that are on the forum, as to posting etiquette (No need to change fonts, underline stuff, do stuff in caps. I only did it to make the commands easy to distinguish from the rest)

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Ashley R made a very valid point.


The problem we have is that we have people new to the industry, who have no experience and no skills - but want them. We also have people who are already skilled in their own field and just a little lost in ours - we even have a special next generation section where people can ask quite basic things without people raising eyebrows.


I'm afraid we do, as a result have a number of fairly stock answers to posts where reading the manual is the first thing to do. In all fairness, you didn't actually say you have, and your question didn't use the kind of technical terms the manual does - so you have to forgive us for not knowing.


I read your first post, and can see what you meant - but our kinds of manuals are often very user unfriendly if you don't know the basics - if it helps, the menu system is very similar to almost every one in use. It's a case of going through the options on the up and down buttons, then telling it the one you want to adjust, then hitting enter, then using them again. The system works but is very confusing if you don't quite know what you're looking for.


We're a grumpy lot - which we're always trying to solve - but as we're also very popular, it's up to new members to adjust to our quaint and often weird ways. Reading around the forum shows how we work well, and where we get it wrong - but all that said, it's just how we like it. We've got huge lists of topics new members start that have been done over and over again, and of course - the new member hasn't a clue their question isn't unique. Ours is the kind of forum where it's a bit like a club. As a new member, you have to gently and slowly fit in - and any attempt to speed it up, or worse still, moan about it just doesn't work.


So welcome - if you can put up with us, I'm sure you'll find useful stuff here - but like our new student members often find out harshly - there are some ways of asking that don't work - and it takes a while to work them out.


A bit like having a rule book that is private!




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Thank you for your very kind help guys ..

.I to can be grumpy and I am VERY experienced in a lot of lighting and PA stuff I just found the roboscans a bit dare I say confusing??

I dont take to kind to sarcasm and certainly ABHOR anyone thats so far up their arse they can not TEACH someone who DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO ....??

I mean did someone not teach "him" and others when they were GREEN about something ???

There is no excuse for ignorance and arrogance

We ALL have to learn somewhere I am a psychologist you may ask me anything you are not sure of and you will get a serious discerning answer

Good luck guys and I will move on to better attitudes on nicer friendlier forums !!!

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Your in the pub with a group of your mates. Someone comes over and starts shouting a question at you and your friends about fitting an extractor fan - where are the terminals on the ExpelFart2012. Some of you know the answer, some of them don't, and one of your friends (quite seriously) asks if they've read the manual. The questioner then gets arsey, because yes, he has, but hasn't told you or your friends. If I was in that group, it would put my nose out, along with my mates.


See any parallels between the pub and here?


Asking if, and linking to the manual are useful things. It gives us an idea of where your at, and what level to pitch the response, as well as giving help for other users in the future.


We will help, but as Paulears says, it's worth watching how the forum works and integrating with the existing users, just like you would when you meet new people down the pub.


Please stick around - I'm sure your experience will be helpful to us in the future.



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You know - a lot of people have tried to help here, and probably spent more time helping than they really needed to. A bit sad really.


I suspect many people use Google to find information, and find us because of past similar topics. They perhaps don't realise that we're not just a help forum - we're a group of like minded individuals who all work, or are interested in similar things. Many of us know each other face to face, but many of us don't.


Plenty of us seem to disagree frequently as we all have our own opinions, beliefs and personal dislikes - just like any big group of people. It's somewhat like when somebody joins the local am dram society, or club. It takes time to settle.


I also suspect that quite a few members do NOT come here to simply answer questions from strangers, they want to find out a bit about them first, find out what they do, where they come from (which DOES make a big difference sometimes) Then - they are more responsive.


It's very like our regular members who can spot a homework question in a single sentence, and actually really dislike answering them. People give their time freely, and virtually everyone here helps if they can. We have thousands of members who get on. Some, we often have light hearted arguments with, and a few wind members up so badly we have to get them to either stop, or go somewhere else. This topic has been nowhere near that kind of level - because nobody wants it to be. Members have a choice. Answer or not answer. If they do answer, it means they read a question, and took time to reply. Sometimes, the original poster doesn't like the response. If it's outside the rules, we quite often moderate it by editing or removal - but this didn't happen here.


Our new member wanted answers, and what he got didn't meet his expectation. That's fine, and it's a shame - but people have explained what happened.


The member got his answers after a little toing and froing - and I can't see any real problems here.


Sometimes members respond with humour instead of facts. That's not a banned feature. Sometimes it works, sometimes not - but that's how it is.


If people sign up and don't wish to become part of the community, that's OK - but it's then a bit unfair to blame the forum for the wrong responses. we're into conversations not absolute answers no mater what.


We quite like it this way - I'd encourage somebody new to have the patience to hang on, really spend some time reading through the archive material - which is immense and so varied, searching rarely brings up just what you want. Experiment with search terms, read the old stuff and you'll learn a lot. You will also see hundreds of event chains like this one where somebody signs up, asks a vague question, doesn't like the answer and wants to leave. That's just a bit sad for us, because we like new members - but people who are easily upset or injured by our style may not be able to settle in. There is a feature in the forum software so members can choose not to see posts from people who annoy them. I've never used it, and I'd bet very few people have either.


We actually all get on pretty well - even when we seem to constantly disagree with each other. It really doesn't matter. We're all in the same game - no matter if we're 14 and a student, or somebody retired after 40 years of professional experience.


If people get fed up with the forum, they just stop posting. Loads come back later and become active again. Good isn't it?

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Which controller are you using? If it is a Behringer Eurolight LC2412 you won't have much fun, you need something capable of running moving lights. Maybe worth looking at using a laptop, I have used a DMX dongle (enttec open DMX) with freestyler to run proscan 918s before and found it quite easy.


My mate also plugged a joystick into the laptop and worked great. :D

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I have been told about that and one of my roadies who has learning difficulties would appreciate that as he is xbox mad and that would give him more interest feel important and perhaps even help in his stimulation as to his affliction ..(that sounds condescending but I mean well ) ** laughs out loud **.

I also saw a vid on YouTube about the joystick style that and thought it a good idea. (feel free to privy me with any info on that idea)

I will delve into more details about that as I did think that the EUROLIGHT was't going to give me the flexibility I thought it might and the "xbox" style controller will give me all kinds of random pan and tilt I would need in a show of my style.

American DJ was another I was asked to look into as a DMX to PC program as I have various other lights to that could be controlled .

DMX is all fairly new to me and at my age (54) learning is not as appreciated as it was when I was say 25 !!!...but I am having fun

Thanks for your help


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Just a little side note, I noticed you have been calling people by the random tags in their info (Casual, Journeyman,Cheif, regular etc. etc.), those names are based on the number of posts one has made, and I think its customisable. People's actual avatar names are the ones in bold just above this (So mines Ashley R, other's have been DrV, PaulDF, Paulears and yourself omeanman), and peoples real names are in thier profiles, if you click on the bold avatar names you will be taken to their Profile page.


And please enjoy your stay at the Blue Room - bringing backstage online http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif



(Sorry couldn't help myself)

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And please enjoy your stay at the Blue Room - bringing backstage online http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif


(Sorry couldn't help myself)


That actually sums it up quite well, never really thought of it before, but it is very much like the typical backstage environment, banter and relationships ;-)

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