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Optimal Position for Sub Bass


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Quote from SoLien:

Im Glad that you have seen, and been able to hear, the difference between the setups, and that what we have said has not only made sense to you now, but also helped you improve your setup :-)

If you have any other queries, just let us know, I for one am always willing to help someone who wants to learn. :-)


Following on from all your recent helpful advice, regarding the cabling option for my system, this is the first time I've used 1 x Sub Bass with 2 x Satellites (dB sub12 & 2 RCF A310A's).

Based on your experiences, as a general "rule of thumb", what would be the best place to position the Sub Bass cab in most situations ?



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The optimal place would be Direct Down Stage Centre. The only problem with that is that you need a stage as high as the bass bin.


The best viable place for the sub in your setup is wherever it can be placed that is in line with your speakers.



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In very simplified terms high frequency speakers (tops) send out sound in a "forward" direction while sub-bass send out sound in a radial manner. Bass bins radiate so positioning and angles are less important to sound results.


If you want to get a little more detailed then please have a look at this and get back to the BR.


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In very simplified terms high frequency speakers (tops) send out sound in a "forward" direction while sub-bass send out sound in a radial manner. Bass bins radiate so positioning and angles are less important to sound results.


If you want to get a little more detailed then please have a look at this and get back to the BR.



That's a pretty good article! Short and to the point. Wonderful! I love stuff that explains what I've learned from experience/trail and error.

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