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Touchscreen with MagicQ - on a MAC!


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Has anyone with magic running on a PC with a touchscreen managed to find a way to do the same thing with a Mac? I've got an AOC 2239 touchscreen which works brilliantly on the PC, but I need to run the MAC version of magic for a forthcoming project, and I can't find a way to make the MAC understand the USB touchscreen. prodding the screen changes the cursor function, but left/right and up/down don't work. The manufacturer say for MACs you need to download a plug and play driver from apple, and according to apple, such a thing doesn't exist!


Has anyone got one that works, to prove it can be done? I don't fancy buying a new monitor because I suspect it's not as simple as that. Plenty seem to suggest they do work. However, so did the AOC. I tried it using parallels running windows and that had exactly the same result, even after it loaded drivers from the disk.


Any comments - even random ones could help?


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even random ones could help?


Stop using a Mac?




Not sure how well parallels actually does its virtualisation, but in VMWare, I know you have to explicitly specify which USB devices you want to pass through to the guest OS from the host OS. In the parallels instance, does it appear in device manager how it should? If not, it may be that you need to kick OS/X to stop being retarded and pass through the usb device to the guest.

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Any comments - even random ones could help?




I have a touchkit panel retro-fitted into a monitor, which I bought about 4 years ago (when I was still using a PC). I'm now a mac user, and through a bit of internet searching managed to find a compatible mac driver from egalex to get it to work The 64 bit driver even works on the mac I got this year. Not sure what I googled to get the appropriate driver, as the touchkit drivers I tried from their website didn't seem to work.

Doesn't help you much Paul, but it can be done. Like anything I guess it's finding the right driver/application that work with your setup.


Alternatively is the option to bootcamp into windows rather than parallels available? Then the hardware is interfacing directly with windows?



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That's actually useful in so much that I now know the things do exist. So I guess the search commences. I'll wait till I'm hone and try the mac on the other touch screen I have, in case that functions properly - at least I'll also know then if it's a generic problem, or device specific.
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I did do a quick search for a driver whilst writing my post above, didn't find one, but some of the forum results indicated that it seems that other people have had problems getting an output from some of their non-touch monitors when using a mac. So I suspect that AOC's response of "use apples's plug and play" approach is aimed at those kind of problems, and isn't really specific to your issue. I think the problem is that they haven't written a driver for mac, and from what I gather apple themselves aren't keen on the touchscreen mac idea (how would they sell Ipads!), so they possibly wouldn't have written a generic touchscreen driver.

Again none of this helps you, but I did ponder the idea of whether the touchscreen component itself came from a 3rd party supplier that supplied touchscreens that are used by other manufacturers as well, who may have taken the time to write a touchscreen driver. As I said, in my situation the drivers from the touchkit website didn't work with my mac, so somehow I stumbled across the egalex site, and used the drivers from there. Maybe a compatible driver would be available from a different source?



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I got a egalax touchscreen from ebay or chinavasion great quality screen build quality isn't great, works perfect on osx lion 10.7.2 with mac drivers, I don't like running magic q on osx or vmware. I only ever use the macbook pro for running show backups.


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Approaching this problem from a different direction for a moment : Why can't you use a PC for MagicQ? Surely you can beg/borrow a PC from somewhere and use the Mac for whatever you absolutely must have the Mac for? Hell, if you ask nicely I've got an all-in-one touchscreen PC sitting at work doing nothing you could probably use.
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The 'why' is easy. Part of the specification I'm working to is to supply two identical Mac minis - one is required to run qlab - and do audio tasks, and the other will run lights. Client not fussy about how, or why, or even specifics - but the lighting must run from the same model PC - software for LX and sound will be installed on both machines, so in the event of failure - one could if pushed, run both. So despite being very happy with PC magic, I have to use the mac version. That's it really. I've been offered a driver - £180! Still investigating others.


To Wol - knowing nothing about ubuntu, and very little about macs worries me! Especially as the link takes me to a site that is obviously enthusiasts only - and they name their versions after meerkats and other creatures?

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knowing nothing about ubuntu, and very little about macs worries me! Especially as the link takes me to a site that is obviously enthusiasts only - and they name their versions after meerkats and other creatures?

Paul its very easy to chuck ubuntu onto a machine,and have it co exist with other operating systems but then again doing so aint going to help with the 1 machine 2 jobs.O and whats wrong with naming the releases after animals,apple use big cats. And dont forget the mascot of linux is Tux the penguin.

hippy- ubuntu user since warty warthog

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