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100V Line Amplifier Power


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I have always worked on the basis that the wattage of 100V line amplifiers should match or exceed the total wattage of tappings of loudspeakers hanging off them.


I am looking at an install where I want to use larger speakers for tonal quality, the max tap on these is 30W but I don't know what they will end up tapped at in reality probably lower. System is primarily speech reinforcement.

12 speakers = max of 360w plus 2 X 5 watt speakers and maybe 4 attenuators maximum


If I used say a 240W amplifier is that likely have problems with that load on it used for speech reinforcement in an environment with low ambient noise.


I need to do some calculations to find out likely tappings.

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The usual rule is not to exceedthe amp power capability - driving a couple of low tapped speakers won't be an issue. Run them at their maximum tap and you'll run out of steam. If you want more volume, why not just get a bigger amp, or another the same and run tow zones?
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The usual rule is not to exceedthe amp power capability - driving a couple of low tapped speakers won't be an issue. Run them at their maximum tap and you'll run out of steam. If you want more volume, why not just get a bigger amp, or another the same and run tow zones?


All options I am considering.


or another the same and run tow zones?


.......... just in case the drivers park where they're not meant to


Sorry, couldn't resist.


For a moment I thought you were referring to another post made recently regarding cone excursion and speaker phasing. :)

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Adastra have been around for a while. Rightly or wrongly I have always considered them to be budget kit at the lower end of the commercial market. No experience of using them so interested in what others think.


The Amps linked to might be of interest for my application. High powered 100V slave amps from the usual suspects look expensive compared to their lower powered mixer amps. I suspect that installations requiring the higher power are not quite as price sensitive.

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