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Drapes Hampers


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HEllo All,

Sorry didnt know what topic to drop this in.


My friend is looking to buy a few big drape hampers that you see on tours with the cloth sides and the wooden lids. Any one know the best place for theese, its not something I've ever seen on sale.





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Don't have a specific answer, but your friend could try looking for suppliers of equipment for commercial laundries, hospitals, hotels etcetera. Or alternatively contact companies like Blackout and ask them what they use and where they get them from...
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We find mailsacks quite handy for smaller drapes. Also somebody like Plastor for larger plastic trunks.


I don't think I've ever clapped eyes on a hamper like you describe. What's the advantage? Lower weight? Or do the cloth sides help the drapes air? I figure it must be easy to rip cloth sides in a tight truck pack.

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