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behringer pmp3000 powered desk


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First time using the mixer to its fullest capibilities. Did not have hand book to hand. Tried panning a mic and it turned out to be not coming out of one channel. Having returned home and re read the book I wonder if it has something to do with the mian/mon switching. I am intending use as a stereo pair though actually there is no stereo output source. I am not sure where in the chain the LEDS are. ie pre pwer amp or post. There seemse to be a panable signal to the LEDS but not at the speakers. They have been switched so no fault there


Any idea chaps?

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Were you running left and right signals out of the desk to two separate speakers. Are there sub groups to assign. play music ipod ect does that come out of both channels.are both main output sliders up. many things to check. .
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It is to two seperate speakers. I know about the idea of Main/Mon. We were running a rehearsal when realised sound was not coming out of both speakers. The show is mono with a pair of speakers. Hopefully I will get in when quiet with the book to check things out. When I checked things at home having made up some long Speakon cables everything worked from and ipod. If need be I can pair the speaker on the channel that does work, but obviously if the other power amp is unloaded that wont be good to run for long.
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Did I ever mention using a cable tester device, say Millenium 20, at all?


It won't detect, directly, any faults in anything other than cables...but definitely a v.useful lump of kit for the tool box.


Ref the unloaded amp being undamaged...depends on what sort of amp of course...might be a google moment in the offing...

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Been down to have go in a quiet hall. On start up all channel pan left and right. What does seem wrong now is the eq area. It adss some lowish noise to the system. I think after this show is don it will have to go back to be checked. I wonder if the unit suffers from some sort of logic pop when something wrong is done. ie unplug phantom powered mics while on etc.
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wonder if the unit suffers from some sort of logic pop when something wrong is done. ie unplug phantom powered mics while on etc.



have come across this before "logic pop " long speaker line 30 meters app, thump or other spike will shut down power amp . you have to shut down desk to reset

This does not seem to happen on the shorter speaker leg eg stage right / stage left . It would seem that it can not handle long runs.

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wonder if the unit suffers from some sort of logic pop when something wrong is done. ie unplug phantom powered mics while on etc.



have come across this before "logic pop " long speaker line 30 meters app, thump or other spike will shut down power amp . you have to shut down desk to reset

This does not seem to happen on the shorter speaker leg eg stage right / stage left . It would seem that it can not handle long runs.


That is interesting. I thought I had inveneted a fault! The leads I have just made up are really for use when I use the kit with things like my village fete when I do want a long run around an arena or down the side of the field. So one cable is 60m and the other 40m. The regular pair I have are for previous equipment with XLR to speakon.

To answer the other point about the EQ. I dont believe I was adding in any gain . It was more like gentle white noise. As I said I suspect it will be back to be checked after the show. It is a loan to se how the kit works!

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This may be of use ref the length of speaker wire versus frequency response, or eq to use your term. (From your post #6, third sentence.)


I would be looking to use at least 2.5mm cable for that sort of length from a normal type amp, so if the stuff you are attempting to use is much less then that could be problematic in itself.


And apologies if you know this already but the incorrect polarity, or phasing as some might say, of your speaker leads will certainly affect the overall sound. (note ref to cable tester).


The thrust of this argument is that whilst we should not expect brilliant performance from Behringer kit it may in this instance be the cables.

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Phasing is not the issue. For whatever reason it seems the power amp on one side switched off. On reastart today all was fine. Without the eq in you get a lovely sound and with it in you get an underlying hissing noise, not continuous. The facts about speaker cables are interesting. The run might be a little long but actualy the cable is probably 1.5mm. I dont think that is the problem. It maybe I have rogue unit. It wnet back with duff pan pots on the aux input when I first used it!

The really annoying thing is I sold some really good speakon cables recently as not used, before buying this desk!

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If I understand your comment then the eq being out means no hiss. And, with it selected then you get an intermittent hiss. Without googling for the manual would I be correct in presuming there is a separate pre-amp in the eq unit, allowing an increase of +12dbs perhaps?


If that is correct then it seems as though the eq section amp is duff or the power supply. Pure speculation of course.


You would need to have the back off, find the eq pre-amp section and its power supply then start measuring volts and prodding components/freezespray. Very crude approach admittedly but IF, rpt IF you are competent/happy working on live kit with the back off then it may be worth a punt.


However, do I detect that you are more on the ops side cf maints? In which case probably best to get it repaired professionally.

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More on the hire side really! I see your point about the eq adding in 12dB before filtering out required frequencies. I may have a go at that to see what happens. The unit is under warranty and this "free hire" has shown up what maybe a fault. The current job can be done without eq if need be.Thanks for all your tips
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