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I was looking around on a previous Venues weighting floor and came accross this but don't know what it's for. I thought possibly some way of locking weights into a counterweight cradle but it didn't seem to fit. Can anyone throw some light on this?


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OK, I can see the picture now....




I thought I'd seen most bits of kit you would find on a fly floor, but I haven't ever seen one of these. I wonder whether it fits into the guides that the counterweight cradle runs in, usually fixed to the wall behind the flyframe.If it was inserted into the runners above the cradle, then tightened up, it would prevent a bar-heavy set from running in to the deck, or (perhaps more useful)if fitted below the cradle when the bar was at stage level, it would allow the bar to be unloaded before unloading the cradle without running the risk of the bar flying away.... I can see this enabling one-person operation, - for example, if an LX bar has more or less the same lights on for the new show, but in a different arangement, fly the LX bar in, use this device to lock the cradle off , nip down the cat-ladder, take all the lights off the bar without de-weighting, and re-rig them according to the new plan, nip back up to the loading gallery and re-balance the weight without fully unloading the cradle. This would save a lot of manual handling, but I'm not sure it would be seen as current "best practice".


Bear in mind this is SPECULATION, if I'm wrong, I look forward to learning what the correct use is....

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That's a rather good speculation, I can't say I'd thought of that one. At first I thought that maybe it was left over from when the building was built but there is about 30 of them, which is also the same number of fly bars! One of those things that has bugged me for a while!
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