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Mac250 preset store problem


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Hi everybody,I got 4 broken mac250 kyrptons,The display was " **** " 4stars.I fixed 2 of them by changing the 2200mfd capacitor to 3300mfd for 12 volt.they worked but I got hot error in few seconds after reset and lamp lights on ,then checked the fans ,temp sensors ,temp degrees from the info menu(temp base was18 and temp head was 25 due to the ambient temp.)Replaced the ignitor.Resets the hours of lamp.Then checked the light sensor with scope(at dark output frequency is low ,aunder light fequency was high) measured the output of sensor with multimeter (2,5 volts ,I decided that was %50 duty cycle squarewave).


At least I cancelled the fedbacks from the utility menu than one of them worked as normal,but the other fixture couldn't store the new settings.then I cancelled the Alone function many times and once it stored than I bypassed the relay circuit (fet pins drain to source) lamp strikes and works as normal (the fixture think that lamp off,if lamp off it works otherwise shutter close,pan tilt stops other effects works) ,but when I accidentally send lamp on command via DMX to the fixture of course it displays HOT and than LERR.


Please help guys,if you know which part is related to the memory of settings or any other idea to fix completely ,I saw an eeprom 93c86 ,but I'm not sure if it is ...adress change stores but utilty menu does not...

PS:I use osram HSD250/60K lamp

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Do you know what you're doing, or are you just changing components at random to try and fix (/move) the problem?

That's what it sounds like to me...



It is not a random try to fix , Problem is; I have no schematic ,no service manual ,just read the topics written before in this forum and try to find solution by logical reasoning.

Theyre not brand new (no warranty).I'm far from the service(600miles away).

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I have had a similar problem in the past, it sounds like it is time to change the battery on the cct board as this acts to retain the user stored information.


I never actually did this I ended up swopping the head to head "1". but I would certainly check the charging circuit too.

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What is your location?


If you have 4 of them displaying same error then sounds like maybe incorrect voltage settings on the unit?


Also,those caps you changed, maybe change them back? Martin are pretty good at knowing the right ones.


In case you cant find it for whatever reason, link to manual:






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Are you trying to disable feedback in the utility menu ? If so this will only work while the unit is powered on, then when the power is cycled the menu will default back to feedback on. You cannot disable feedback permantly.


If you had 4 **** on the menu when you powered on this means the PCB has lost software and needs the software re uploading to the unit. There is no need to go changing componants on the board untill you have re uploaded the software.


With the unit showing hot after you lamp it on and the lamp is actually coming on I would guess either the Light sensor is faulty or the wireset from the light sensor to the PCB is broken. When you shine a light on the light sensor with a torch does the Lamp LED on the display come on ?


I just read you have bypassed the relay circuit, this is a bad idea and I recommend you un by pass it. The unit has codes written in it to look out for lamps on when they shouldn't be on and lamps off when they should be on. If the unit doesnt see what it thinks it should see it will disable pan tilt and shut the shutter as it thinks it may of had a lamp explosion and wont let the MAC work.


I think you are trying a fix a pcb which doesn't need fixxing

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I think you are trying a fix a pcb which doesn't need fixxing


I do not try to fix the board it is already fixed.After changed the caps ,it worked and there is no stars on the display (the voltage and frequency selectors are true) but

ı have no uploader to load the software so

ı changed the jumpers as desciribed at the manual and it started to work.There is no problem till here.


It couldnt dedect the lamp on ,I tried before with a torch ,light to the sensor.Then I disconnect the sensor and control it by scope appltying 5 volts (in dark places output of sensor is low frequency squarewave ,under light it outputs highfrequency squarewave) cable is also working.Not sure but sensors works.


I have given the card to the card repairer ,they have tested many times and said card is

o.k. no need to fix.



Thanks for helps ,if not any idea I am going to write an oscillator by a pic micro to make trick

(emulating the light sensor by changing frequency by pot).

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I think you are trying a fix a pcb which doesn't need fixxing


I do not try to fix the board it is already fixed.After changed the caps ,it worked and there is no stars on the display (the voltage and frequency selectors are true) but

ı have no uploader to load the software so

ı changed the jumpers as desciribed at the manual and it started to work.There is no problem till here.


It couldnt dedect the lamp on ,I tried before with a torch ,light to the sensor.Then I disconnect the sensor and control it by scope appltying 5 volts (in dark places output of sensor is low frequency squarewave ,under light it outputs highfrequency squarewave) cable is also working.Not sure but sensors works.


I have given the card to the card repairer ,they have tested many times and said card is

o.k. no need to fix.



Thanks for helps ,if not any idea I am going to write an oscillator by a pic micro to make trick

(emulating the light sensor by changing frequency by pot).



Have you tied a different lamp at all ? I have had MAC 250s where they show hot error messages and it was an old lamp which wasn't getting bright enough to activate the light sensor properly.

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Yes,I use osram HSD250/60K lamp ,shouldbe 78K according to the user manual.:)Light intensity is not so strong.I'm going to try again tomorrow by changing the place of the sensor .And one guy told me that,he replaced the temp sensor with a resistor by experimentally and ,read from the info menu Minus degrees than error disappeared.But this not a temprature problem...Everything O.K. exept the lamp...And when I make 2 or 3 resets +lamp on off sometimes one of the fixture eliminate this error code.

For me It's more important to catch the real reason of error.Buying an78K new lamp is an expensive way and I'm not sure if they (fixtures) will work properly or not.My lamps are brand new ,but alittle bit low intensity type

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If you had a fauly temperature sensor you would get a HTER and it would not give a HOT or LEER. I would say by sounds of it you have dull lamps which arn't bright enough to activate the sensor. Trying a different known working bright lamp in the fixture will eliminte this. The light sensor is tucked up at the back in the MAC 250 Krypton by the fan so a dull lamp will not activate it.
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Thanks stuart,

which wasn't getting bright enough to activate the light sensor properly.

I cut the sensor pcb a little bit and re solder the sensor to the layer side and turned the sensor face to the lamp there is a fan between them but it can see the light.

then the error gone away.:D


It's not right but it is O.K.


But I really wonder which part is related to the preset memory ,is that the eeprom 93LC86 on the mainboard ?

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But I really wonder which part is related to the preset memory ,is that the eeprom 93LC86 on the mainboard ?



why do you need to know about the memory ? As I said earlier the feedback on/off will not store in the memory - when a unit is reset the feedback will always default back to on

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My problem has solved.But I want to know,because;

1-I really wonder?

2-The Topic (Mac250 preset store problem),there is no information about the real Topic,if someone read this part they could have noting about this and will be disappointed...

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Seems like a lot of effort butchering up some industry standard lights and changing standardised components just for the sake of using a dull none standard lamp. Potentially risking a £2k unit for the sake of an extra £20-£30 for a proper lamp?
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