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4 Ch IN and OUT USB Audio Interface.


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That's very very interesting! I had a Delta 1010 on the old pc and it was fine. The Fast Track Ultra only appeared as stereo. The software I use has been developed by a friend who hasn't done the ASIO work yet, but will be doing soon.


I went through some tests with some ASIO enabled software and it was still only appearing stereo, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't happy, but it's interesting information to have filed away!

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From a touch of googling, it suggests that the Akai unit above doesn't use ASIO, it uses WDM. This (to me) suggests that it makes all 4 inputs and outputs available to wdm software (like the M Audio delta mentioned above).

I got that info from this forum. Does anybody else think I'm right? Or indeed, can anybody who's got one confirm this? I'm about to take the plunge I think! Thinking about it, if I'm stuck I can always just use the 2 outputs available via wdm (if it doesn't present all 4) and the pc's headphone jack until my friend gets the asio side of his software working.

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Well, got the unit and it is quite nice and solid but the software that came with it (Ableton Live lite) doesn't seem to be up to much. I can't get it or Adobe Audition to see all four tracks. I had hope it would be a simple intuitive unit to use and come with some basic sosftware for simple recording, input 1 to track 1 etc. but sadly that does not seem to be the case.


I shall persevere.



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Bazz - that sounds pretty similar to what happened to me with my M Audio unit. Do you have any idea if it's using ASIO or WDM? What description does it appear as in the software when you select it?

Do you have any other software to test it with? What operating system are you using?


dbuckley - am I right in thinking multiplay doesn't support ASIO?

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I remember the name Akai from reel to ree and cassettel days, were they at the domestic end of the market or did they have some pro products, I think maybe semi-pro. Haven't heard of them for while though, have they continued to make things or is it a brand name that has risen from the ashes?


I wonder wh


Akai made a couple of classics the GX400D reel to reel and the S900 sampler:





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I bought the EIE Pro. That has ASIO and WDM Drivers I don't know whether the other unit does have. Using the supplied Software (Abletone Lite) and the Asio Full Duplex driver I can get the program to see 4 inputs but 3 & 4 are the computer's mic. It says the EIE is only 2 channels.


The quick start manual is almost below basic. I have not found a anything more on line so far.

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Is it the same story with outputs or do you get the full compliment of 4? I'm torn between a focusrite unit and the EIE Pro at the minute. I know the Focusrite (Scarlett) will only give me 2 outputs under WDM, but it's a slightly better thought of brand in the field. The selling point for the EIE would be if I could use the full 4 outputs under WDM. If it only gives me 2 (which I can cope with - 2 channels plus the PC's own headphone jack) I may as well go for the Focusrite one at similar money.


Still waiting on a reply from Akai. Used a contact form on their website which promised 24 hour reply. No word so far though and it was yesterday morning.

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I have got 4 Ins working, but using ASIO drivers WDM does not appear to give 4 Ins. I hope I can get 4 outs as well using the same ASIO driver (Supplied). Priority for me is reliable stereo recording off phantom powered mics this weekend. I am beginning to wish I had just bought a Phantom unit and used my trusty mini disk recorder. I personally think the installation program, supplied programs and manual are poor without much excuse. Yes it is a budget unit but the cost of what I am talking about is minimal IMHO.
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