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When a lighting bar has been hung using lindaptors at the relevant spacings.... I believe they should be in pairs at each hanging point ie each side of the I-beam and not just one side.,(It is a skillion roof)

We are trying to finish a job at a venue which requires us to hang the lights on this bar. The builders have signed off on it saying it meets As standards etc...( we are in Australia) - but we have our reservations on this. Our rigger agrees with us, but the builders say it is all done to the a.standards and as per their instructions.


Any help / thoughts /answers?????

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When a lighting bar has been hung using lindaptors at the relevant spacings....

What kind of Lindapters? http://www.lindapter.com is quite helpful if you're not sure, lots of photos and drawings of their products.


I believe they should be in pairs at each hanging point ie each side of the I-beam and not just one side.,

You're not thinking of gravlocks are you?


Lindapter type FL flange clamps, which don't necessarily need to be used in pairs:




Gravlocks, which do need to be used in pairs:



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Are you unhappy about what the builders claim? And you say your rigger is unhappy too?


Could you invite the local Building Inspector, or Aus equivalent, to give his or her approval. It would not be the first time a builder has not fully understood the regs or how to apply them. Better by far to get the entire install inspected than to come in one morning and find a lot of scrap metal lying on the floor...

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How are the bars used? With any rigging this is key. Lindapters are great for hanging all variety of stuff. If the type shown earlier is the one they have used then they aren't required to be in pairs. However, they are designed to be used to static vertical loads (this is from memory, and a quick look on the website hasn't shown either way - anyone know for sure?). For a lighting bar that would be rigging and de-rigged regularly, personally, I would use them in pairs with a plate between and load from the plate. Something like this: http://www.flints.co.uk/acatalog/Adjustable_Girder_Clamp.html


If the builders have followed their instructions and the design then it sounds like you need to go back to the person who specified and designed the system and raise your concerns with them.

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