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Turbosound driver repair


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Hi guys,


I have a stack of Turbosound TXD comprising of the single 18" sub and the 15" top. Both have the same fault in the driver, whereby there is circular fracture around the magnet, on both the 15" driver and the 18". Ideally, I only want to replace the driver, rather than the whole cone, but I am struggling to find places that sell these parts.


Can anyone recommend a repair center that would be able to either do the repairs, or provide parts. - I can do a cone swap, less sure about how to swap out just the driver.





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If I'm reading your post correctly, you have a magnet fracture, and you are hoping to replace the magnet/chassis assembly and reuse the existing cone? It's usually the other way round - the cone is the spare part, and damage to the magnet (which is likely to come from severe thermal stress or - far more likely - being dropped) isn'r economically repairable, especially as the chassis may be damaged.


Trying to rebuild the magnet is not a simple task, and I suspect you'd be better off talking with Turbosound about replacements, or at least why the magnet assembly has failed. They may have some sympathy for you and help you out...



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I'll echo Simon's response in that you will need complete replacement of the drivers. To take the cone out and fit to a new chassis is near on impossible and definately impractical cost-wise.


It may also be worth mentioning that magnet damage is nearly always down to physical damage (dropping) of a speaker. As it's happened to 2 different boxes with different drivers it looks more probable that these have taken a tumble.


I have had this happen recently and am counting the cost (12" driver from a community floor wedge - now detached from it's magnet if anyone's got one going spare)..

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Again, without wishing it to be a "me too" post, The drivers I these boxes are a bit fragile, both magnet wise and cone wise, you would be better off replacing them. Most of the parts in the TXD Range are P-Audio drivers which are found in many more boxes, some a fair bit cheaper. Might be worth a look around to find them from there as sadly the Turbosound badge will add a fair chunk to the price.




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