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Cinderella Backcloths


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I've been looking for backcloths for our January panto, but struggling to find the last 2 I need that suit. Proscenium have 4 of the 6 I need, but the last two are proving tricky. Namely the palace ballroom and the Stoneybroke Mansion exterior.

I've searched/spoken to many of the usual suspects, including Border, Clifford & Brown, with no joy as yet. I have one company in Newport Wales who have a very nice ballroom, but it'll likely be a bit of a trog to fetch that, or expensive courier just for 1 cloth - but it is there as a backup. (Though of course that could be said for any second supplier!). He doesn't have a mansion cloth however.


A couple of places have a Hardup Hall, but as the name is on the cloth itself, that would mean changing the script, which they're not too keen to do.


So - suggestions please. Feel free to suggest a purveyor of cloths and I'll say whether I've tried them...

Or does your theatre/company own anything that might suit?


Cloth size is anything from 15 ft 6ins by 28 ft up to 18 ft by 35ft or so - we swipe track these, but by judicious use of Hall's Hold-on clips we manage to fold them with relative ease.

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Contact Annabelle White at QDOS 01723 343702 That's the Scarborough number, but at this time of year she could be at the huge scenery store in Beverley - a bit more local would be

Scenic Projects Ltd

The Studios

London Road


Suffolk NR34 8DQ

01502 575000


Just up the road from me in the 'Deliverance' area - cue duelling banjos. Their stock is also impressive, and they also have slightly smaller cloths too - I have some 11m wide but only 4m tall cloths from them at the moment.

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Scenic Projects were on my list and don't have anything suitable available.

I think one of my guys did try QDOS, but again came away without success, plus they were I gather rather expensive. However I'll give them a shout myself to be sure.





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You could try The Playhouse Harlow - I used to work there and did a panto Cinderella...the ballroom cloth from that production, as I remember, was a cut cloth with arches that we hung red tabs behind, but they certainly used to have a very large stock of cloths from different shows and may have something to suit. The technical manager is a guy called Pete Harpin - tell him you got his name from me! You can get him at peter.harpin@harlow.gov.uk or 01279 446 747.
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Tony, have you tried Imagine yet?


Imagine Tehatre


They're at Small Heath - and whilst they produce a lot of panto's they might have spare cloths about.

I got a contact for them from Glyn, and a mail was sent earlier this week, though no response as yet...



You can get him at peter.harpin@harlow.gov.uk or 01279 446 747.

e-mail now sent, thanks.
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