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CDJ 1000 - damaged microswitch,


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Hi all,


Long shot but I've got a couple of damaged CDJ's where the cue button has been hammered. Looking at it, I *should* be able to just replace the microswitch, rather than that whole board - quite happy soldering one on. But I have no idea if its a custom pioneer part, or available from certain electrical stores.


Anyone got any advice? Just begrudge paying pioneer £60 for a replacement board for a £2 component. Guess at least if I get one board I can use the dead boards switches as spares but galling.

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Can you get a picture? Is it a standard microswitch, miniature microswitch, tactile switch...? CPC will probably stock it, RS almost certainly will, and I'd bet £20 on Mouser having one...


Obviously been a long day... Was ranting at one of the crew about how much pioneer charge for a board when its only one component and what a rip off life is etc, and he suggested Ebay (which I had not thought of!) .... Low and behold, there we are! £2 each + 70p delivery! Ordered a dozen in case I ###### up the soldering - if all is successful, will post the link to the store selling them (UK based) for future people who may find this thread.

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Unfortunately they tend to go quite often as, in my experience, DJs find that a simple tap on the button just won't do. It needs a vigorous slap!


Use as little solder as possible. I find I can replace the microswitch about 3 times before it's bu99ered (microswitch still "clicks" but doesn't respond). At this point you can solder a bit of wire on the back of the board off the Cue, and you should probably order a new board for when that gives up...

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