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Gel Swatchbook for Android, Interested?


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Me and a couple of friends are developing a Gel Swatchbook for Android as a project. We are about to start a business where we develop mobile applications for companys, and after own ideas. Our primary goal isn't to make money, but to make the customers as satisfied as possible. Therefor I would be very happy if you could give me two minutes of your time to answer this survey: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dHRFMDlJc05aTC1EWWZmVTZfblhLdmc6MQ#gid=0

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In addition to what the previous poster said, don't forget that different screens may render the colours differently. If you take the same gel colour, but look at devices from two different manufacturers (or even two batches of the same phone), they may look different.
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Me and a couple of friends are developing a Gel Swatchbook for Android as a project.

This has already been done by others.

The Swatchbook app is quite a good one.

Why don't you develop something that doesn't already exist?



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Me and a couple of friends are developing a Gel Swatchbook for Android as a project.

This has already been done by others.

The Swatchbook app is quite a good one.

Why don't you develop something that doesn't already exist?




There are a couple actually. One has a "photo" bit where you can take a photo and it will tell you the approx colour. and will also compare between LEE, ROSCO, GAM, APOLLO.

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