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Is the Look Unique a Fazer?


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I have gotten this email from smokemachines.net....wich brings me some doubts about this machine.

I asked:

I am doubting between 2 hazers on your website.

the look unique 2.1 hazer, and the le maitre MVS hazer.


Both are 2 different brands.

I am curious if you could give me the cons and pro's on both devices and what they would cost including shipping to the netherlands, including a full can of fluid. I have no business so account that in the price.


I am curious at noise levels, output and how fine / invisible the haze is. I do not want to see the haze itself, I want to see my laser beams.


then I got this anwered:

Dear Sir,




Thank you for your e-mail.


We sell a lot more MVS hazers than Unique 2.1 Hazers and the feedback we receive about the MVS is overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic. For the price you pay, you receive a lot more features with the MVS. It uses fluid much more efficiently, the haze it produces hangs in the air for much longer, and you can change the angle of the fan output as well as mount it on its side if required for a horizontal sweep effect. The only thing it doesn't have is a timer.


The Unique is essentially a smoke machine with a fan that uses glycol based fluid. The MVS is very different in that it heats the glycerine based fluid to a much higher temperature creating smaller particles, uses much less power and uses a very small amount of fluid to achieve a very persistent haze effect. The noise level on both units is very similar - just the fan turning.


We have never sold a Unique hazer to a laser hire company but have sold many MVS to them.


If you want us to send you a quotation, please let us know your full shipping address in the Netherlands including your postcode.


this sounds very fishy. why? because the description of that mail back sounds like im doubting between a Fazer(the unique) and a hazer(the MVS) although the unique uses hazer fluid.


I hope you guys can help me out. I really want the fog to be as much invisible as possible.

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'Fazer' is just a term invented by Antari as far as I know. It doesn't actually mean anything.


It is true that the Unique (like the vast majority of hazers and fog machines) uses a water/glycol system. The other most common type is mineral oil. Le Maitre are to my knowledge the only people using Glycerine based. The fluid type used is important as it will determine particle size and therefore hang time. They also have difference opacities. If you want long hang/high transparency then mineral oil is probably best, followed by glycerine. The disadvantages of these systems is they are usually more expensive than water/glycol, particularly oil based.


Water/glycol like the Unique are useful if you might need to create more dense haze although they are quite capable of light haze too.

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Having just bought our second MVS I have looked into this quite a lot.


The MVS fluid is cheaper per litre, and on constant burn the MVS uses fractionally less fluid, as standard the Unique only has a small bottle.

The MVS is a cheaper unit to buy (depending on where you buy!!!)

The Unique produces a much finer Haze than the MVS, more suitable for TV work.

We wanted the second hazer for stage work to produce a visible haze effect so we went with the MVS.

Neither of them set off a fire alarm in testing.



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Having just bought our second MVS I have looked into this quite a lot.


The MVS fluid is cheaper per litre, and on constant burn the MVS uses fractionally less fluid, as standard the Unique only has a small bottle.

The MVS is a cheaper unit to buy (depending on where you buy!!!)

The Unique produces a much finer Haze than the MVS, more suitable for TV work.

We wanted the second hazer for stage work to produce a visible haze effect so we went with the MVS.

Neither of them set off a fire alarm in testing.




id definatly like finer hazer. meaning more transparancy right? (fine haze / transparancy same thing right?)

although im confused now. I quoted the guy from smokemachines.net in post nr. 1 and he basicly said vice versa of what you were saying. he said that MVS makes finer haze (smaller particles). and niclights also says the MVS has more transparancy?



And you said that the MVS is a cheaper unit? well not in my country(netherlands)? I tried looking everywhere online but the unique is about ~250 euro cheaper thn the MVS.


And also thank you @niclights for the info about antari's "fazer" :)

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The smaller particle size will give longer hang time. But opacity is also to do with the composition. I was certainly under the impression that Glycerine-based was less opaque than water/glycol but I have limited experience of these machines. Instead I'd be listening to someone who has two! Conversely I have two Unique's so I can advise better regarding them.


However, at the end of the day it's very easy to get caught up in the details when in reality you will probably be very happy with either machine. Is it not possible to get a demo?

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I just moved from a venue with 2 Mvs hazers to one with 2 unique2.1's and 2 unique1's - side by side, the two's kill the ones. Personally I think the MVS walks all over the 2.1 - with a finer haze and better hang time. The variable sweep is also great for regulating haze flow too.
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The smaller particle size will give longer hang time.


Sorry, I might be confused, but I would have thought larger heavier particle size would give longer hang time. For example a Cirro Strata 'oil' based hazer would have bigger particles so heavier so hang in the air longer whereas a Unique has fine light 'water' based particles that are more easily moved around and lifted with air movement.


At least that is my experience of haze...

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Personally I think the MVS walks all over the 2.1 - with a finer haze and better hang time.

Really? I've used both the MVS and Unique1s and found that the Unique produced the finer haze. Are the Unique2s that different from the Unique1s?


I'm also not sure why the bottle holder for the MVS is an optional extra? Surely it should be part of the machine that can be removed if necessary, not something that should be bought if needed. The MVS I used came without a bottle holder, so I had to put the machine and the fluid bottle in a tray to keep everything together. Can't help feeling that Lemaitre dropped the ball a bit with that design decision.

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We bought the bottle holder. The bottles we got... Don't fit in the holder. Probably why it is an optional extra.


The MVS just seems to pick up the beams - there is a little bit of that "white jet of haze" but it disperses then hangs forever (which is why I like it). The Unique (both 1 and 2) is a big jet of white haze that does not seem to distribute well and does not hang too well (comparitively)


My favorite will always be the MDG Atmosphere, but the MVS is up there for water based, minimal fuss hazers.

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I've read this topic and am left very confused - if I was considering buying either of these two hazers, then I'd be left really wondering what on earth to buy.


If I wanted a hazer to let me see light beams, but not look like the room is filled with haze - which one does it better?


Thick/thin haze, small//large particles? Rather subjective - as we don't have anything to judge this against?

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im also willing to buy something else if its better...ive heard oil crackers are good because their small particles....but I really really do not want residue on my equipment and on my room when I create laser shows.


The MVS seems like a good hazer to me but its really a bit out of budget, the unique 2.1 is alot cheaper here... I want to spend a max. of 1000 euro and get it at a company who does have good warrenty.

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The Unique (both 1 and 2) is a big jet of white haze that does not seem to distribute well and does not hang too well (comparitively)



Maybe the size of the venue plays a big part in how each hazer looks. Our stage is quite small (32' by 24') and when we use Unique1s we have the fan at full and the fluid pump at 5-10% and leave it running constantly, unless the haze gets too thick. We get reasonably good coverage, Though we do have a large/slow fan we can use to push the haze around if we need to.

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Sorry, I might be confused, but I would have thought larger heavier particle size would give longer hang time. For example a Cirro Strata 'oil' based hazer would have bigger particles so heavier so hang in the air longer whereas a Unique has fine light 'water' based particles that are more easily moved around and lifted with air movement.


At least that is my experience of haze...

A typical water glycol particle is 20 micron. A DF-50 is 1 micron. Can't say about the Cirro but I think it's fair to assume it is in the same ball-park. I don't know what the size is for the Le-Maitre.


This is I think all too confusing for its own good. There are clearly lots of factors. Personally I can get a lovely fine haze from the Unique and prefer the mk1 over the mk2. Ideally I would use oil but the residue is horrible.


If you want another unit to consider then maybe look at the Pea Soup Phantom hazer. Particle size 0.2 micron. Lots of people saying good things about them.

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Having had both a Unique 2 and an MVS for over a year or so now, I prefer the MVS. its haze suits our venue perfectly, uses minimal fluid and it purges automatically, whereas the unique you have to do a shutdown proceudre, which if you forget or delegate the task to someone else, can cause the pipes to clog and the machine to PI55 all over the place. If you can squeeze the budget, I would go for the MVS every day of the week.





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