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Urgent help with Audacity file


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Hi guys,

I've been recording a podcast each day this month, and passing on the file as an Audacity project.

It's worked every other day, but today's podcast is somehow corrupted. Solving the problem is beyond me, (I'm primarily a lampie) so I'd be incredibly grateful if a proper noise boy/girl might have time to have a look and let me know if it's salvageable.

If so, pm me your email and I'll send you the file.

Many thanks, Chris.

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Hey Chris


If the file is actually corrupted you'll need to re-make it. Are you certain you don't have a simple format error ... in other words is the file saved in a form that can be read by whatever you are trying to use it with? What program are you trying to open it in?

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It's being opened at the other end with Audacity. As far as I know, nothing's changed since yesterday.


Just to update you, it seems that the program's recording source was changed to MS sound mapper, instead of the alpha. No idea how that happened since as far as I know no-one else would be using the program..

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I find that VLC is quite good for opening corrupted files (e.g. wavs with the file header missing/screwed up). You can then choose to export the file as a wav and it will create an uncorrupted version.


Might be worth downloading it (it's free) and giving it a go?

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I find that VLC is quite good for opening corrupted files (

Might be worth downloading it (it's free) and giving it a go?

defiantly worth a go with vlc. Vlc doesn't care what you throw at it, in terms of strange things that send other programs loopy.


If it can be opened, generally vlc will be able to...

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