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Job hunting


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Recently I have been growing out of my current IT job, and I have been looking for a job in entertainment.


Now before I go too much further, this is more of a "What should I be looking for" not "Give me a job"


I am nearly 20 and have been working in IT as my main job since leaving school after year 12. On the side I have been doing a lot of work in a theatre attached to the largest college here, everything from set building to repairing fixtures and redesigning DMX topology.

I am technically skilled and understand not only how to use most technology, but how its underlying systems work. I can fix electronics and also build my own items of lighting and audio gear myself. I can work well as a loader for shows and have no issues working at height.

I love working in the industry and have a fair amount of experience working on assorted shows, mainly theatre and dance schools etc. but also a few rock shows. I can mix and LD as well as manage a crew. I tend to like working in lighting most.


What jobs in the industry would suit this sort of a person?

Is having no issues like gf/kids etc tying me to a geographic location a good thing?

Any other advice as to ideas for where I can push myself to go?

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IT geekery will continue to pay a reasonable salary for a while yet, theatre remains an interrupted sequence of poorly paid antisocial working hours.


Get even better at geekery and make an informed choice of local quality am-dram who can warrant the engagement of your skills for a short period each year

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The theatre industry is screwed up, with wages on offer that are ridiculously low for the skills asked for and the responsibility given.

Stick with education, get a school theatre tech job. Better paid, lower stress and better hours.

If you feel the need to scratch the theatre itch find a local venue or production company to casual for, or an amdram if needs must ;)


Other option is to go into the production company field and get a job driving vanfuls of kit across the country, setting it up and staying at endless travellodges. It's a better option than theatre right now.

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"I have been growing out of my IT job...I am nearly 20..." Figgygeek that is entertainment.


Firstly, you already have a job...this is a good thing. You do not have a job in the "ents" industry, this is also a good thing.


To even think about chucking over a job in IT for an uncertain future in an overstaffed, underpaid industry is a bad thing.


However, if you must consider doing the "ents" thing then I suggest you apply yourself to researching all and any job opportunities there are by ringing around some theatres or event organisers, say, and simply asking about work vacancies. (It may not be the wisest notion to paper the house with your CV and you need only read the relevant threads on this forum to understand why.)


Be sure to mention how old you are and that you are technically skilled and are an LD and have managed crew.


Bear in mind a lot of "your" prospective employers may read this forum and have been in the industry for longer than you have been on the planet...

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Entertainment is indeed stupid at the moment, low wages with five+ years experience. If you have strong IT and networking knowledge then there must be an opening, Computers, show control, artnet, are everywhere. Would conference work give you an in to the industry - top notch equipment, video, LX etc. It all filters down to theatre and rock shows. Perhaps a couple of years in this area, then move over. West end, theatre, theme parks and stadium gigs need LX and sound people, with increasing IT knowledge. Show control is another area, with god knows how many interfaces, slaving and programming. Anybody coming into the industry now, should really look into that sort of stuff. my last two jobs as entertainment technical manager covered the building IT, plant and box office systems. You find yourself as the go to guy for anything with a plug on it.
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Sound to me like video display walls are where you should be heading. It ain't theatre, but its definately Rock & Roll, Corporate Events, Sporting Events, Outdoor Spectaculars, big public-space advertising. A good Pixel-wall tech/programmer can have a well paid International Career no doubt. But you need to get in quick ! This isn't a plug (administrator), but get in touch with me at trainme@crewclass.co.uk. You may benefit from the course, and you'll certainly benefit from the contacts and informal Q&A with Industry pro's. There will be a pixel wall tech there who is currently having a great time putting huge advertising displays in public places all over the world !
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As a bit of an update, I just got a position running and managing all radio mic systems and comms for one of the big production companies here. It seems like a great mix of theory, practical and hard work and I will be able to help with a lot of other aspects of the business too so I am happy with future prospects :D
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