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Master for fx on magicQ


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Hi guys!

It is possible to make a fx speed master for all the different fx in one cue stack, that is always active and I can control the speed of the different fx in the cues

I would like to make one for all my dimmer fx and another one for the mov fx

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Hi guys!

It is possible to make a fx speed master for all the different fx in one cue stack, that is always active and I can control the speed of the different fx in the cues

I would like to make one for all my dimmer fx and another one for the mov fx


You can make fader position control FX in the stack ( Double hit 'S' button of stack- View Options -> Fader Controls FX Speed: Yes) but it seems like you are asking if there is a way to assign several faders to a single stack (like you can on the GrandMA) that control different FX attributes.


As far as I'm aware, you can't do this on MagicQ but it's actually much easier and more flexible to separate different types of FX, such as Moves or Dimmer, across different stacks. Then you can mix and match, rather than having to always have A move with A Dimmer FX.

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What I am trying to do is:

programming for a concert, I have a cue stack for each song, with all the fx I am using already record in the cues.

I have basically two types of fx, all for moving heads: Dimmer chases and movement fx. I will like to control in two separate playbacks, my speed for the dimmer chases and the speed for the mov fx.

Those playback need to be always active, and control speed for different fx (for example, in cue one I have one type of dimmer chase different than in cue 2, and I want this playback to control spped of both fx)


I found something that can work. I configure a playback, giving it the function of "cue stack is a speed master", It works as a speed master for all the fx, not for separate, but at least is something

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What I am trying to do is:

programming for a concert, I have a cue stack for each song, with all the fx I am using already record in the cues.

I have basically two types of fx, all for moving heads: Dimmer chases and movement fx. I will like to control in two separate playbacks, my speed for the dimmer chases and the speed for the mov fx.


Like I said, I don't think you can do that.


A solution could be to program different cue stacks, one with your Dimmer FX attributes on (and perhaps anything else in the cue, recording all attributes, including a starting position), another with your Moves FX only, that you can lay over the top. Then Macro the cue stacks so that one fires the other.


In that way you can control "whole" states through the set list, while having control over your individual effect speeds.


Everyone runs shows in slightly different ways, song per page, recording whole looks, attribute only faders, Master FX speed etc. You can do what you want, you just need to think about how to program it. There isn't a magic button that says "this fader control Dimmer speed on THAT stack". You can use multiple faders for one stack on the GrandMA but I wouldn't say that it's something that can't be achieved by other methods of running your show, including the hack mentioned above. But it will need to be re programmed, which you can do by selectively copying parts of the programming into a new stack.


It's an example of how clear you need to be as a programmer on HOW you want to play things back.

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You can easily use a fader as a master speed or size control for an effect on a different playback. Take the attribute for the heads you want the master to control, so if you want it to control the size of the pan and tilt on all of your spots then put just the pan and tilt for your spots in the programmer. Doesn't matter what value they are at just so long as they are there. Record this to a playback and then under the playback options go into Function, and choose either Cue Stack is a Speed Master or Cue Stack is a Size Master to control the speed and/or size.



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Doesn't matter what value they are at just so long as they are there. Record this to a playback and then under the playback options go into Function, and choose either Cue Stack is a Speed Master or Cue Stack is a Size Master to control the speed and/or size.


That's really interesting Matt, I didn't realise it worked like that. So, basically shoving your chosen fixtures into the programmer with attribute whatever values kinda "selects" them in order to use the Speed Master setting? Making the Master attribute specific. Really useful.


Edit to add // Yes, I know I should probably read the more up to date user manual....

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That's really interesting Matt, I didn't realise it worked like that. So, basically shoving your chosen fixtures into the programmer with attribute whatever values kinda "selects" them in order to use the Speed Master setting? Making the Master attribute specific. Really useful.


Yes, when you set it to be a speed/size/intensity master it will ignore the value that the attributes are at and instead just take these attributes and become a master for these attributes which are being controlled through other playbacks.

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