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Help with identifying specific type of lighting fixture


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I am new to the lighting industry and I have seen plenty of the following kinds of lighting fixtures, but I cannot identify them. I have spend hours on end searching around the internet trying to find this fixture and I cannot. Can anyone help me?


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This is what would be referred to as a blinder.

the one in the picture looks like a par 36 blinder.



I see your in the US so I cant help with suppliers but "par 36 blinder/DMX blinder etc" will help your google skills.






EDIT: beaten to it

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Well, all lights project, but I'm not certain what you mean. These types of device are different because they don't come from a theatrical background but from the movie industry. The Mole Richardson company (hence Molefay as the sort of generic name for these devices)introduced them when small sealed beam and small sealed beam style - lamp and parabolic reflector composites became available. The light sources are bright, and concentrated into narrow beams - the primary users being aviation. Combine a pile of these into a small space and you get a compact and bright source. In theatre we have hard and soft edge lanterns - Fresnels and profiles, but in feature films they have limited demand for hard edges, so have Fresnels and Molefay types. Our industry pinched them to use pointing at the audience, to blind them temporarily for effect. So although they illuminate the audience, for the most part their intention is effect - as in BLAM! Probably worth remembering that for the main, these use lower voltage lamps in series.
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