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Interference between Lighting and Sound!

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Does anyone have the problem in schools of having the lighting desks and dimmers on the same ring-circuit as the sound equipment? (It creates a loud buzz through the loudspeaker systems when fading lights in and out.) Have you thought wisely and ran your lighting desk or sound desk off a different mains-circuit? Good. However, does it still buzz and hum?


At the school I do the lighting for, we either have to run power distribution for sound from the other end of the school (different ring-circuit) or bring in a touring dimmer and run that from the other side of the school. It's a royal pain in the arse.



If you've come across the same problems (or even different ones which required dramatic changes in your set-up) then post below, I'd love to know what you all do in this situation!




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Yep. Been there. We now have separate mains for Lighting and Sound. Have also had small 'buzz' issues with mains cables wrapped around things they shouldn't be etc. You mention that you run power for audio from another source, maybe you could just find a way to make it more permanent?
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We used to get an awful crackling sound coming from the comms system/stage mics and out of the speakers in the control room, which was very painful to the operator's ears. We thought it was to do with the dimmer room as when people where in and out, the crackling started. I think it was to do with the power on the SM desk but since we have had some electrical work done, it seems ok.
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The only time I've ever had bad interference between lighting and sound was when we had a long unbalanced audio cable in use on stage, which was picking up interference from the dimmers like a good 'un. We switched to balanced, and it disappeared.
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Have you thought wisely and ran your lighting desk or sound desk off a different mains-circuit? Good. However, does it still buzz and hum?

A properly designed and implemented audio system will NEVER need to be run from a different power source to the lighting. Never, ever, ever.


If you get hum/fizzes/pops then it means there is something wrong with your audio system.

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