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Outdoor Projection Screen


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Not a "screen" per se, but there are a couple of roll-up waterproof LED walls out there for hire. One company is Reel Video Systems (reelvideoscreens.com) and their Pix20 modular screens are actually submersible. I did a writeup on them at http://www.projectionfreak.com/?p=135. And although I don't work there, I wish I did..... ;)


Anyone know of any elecrtic IP rated roller protection screens? If so has anyone had any experience of these?



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Im pretty much sure that you wont find what you are looking for. The nature of the screen means its practically imposible to get a decent level of protection due to the gaping slot in the vase. As far as the screen surface goes, its generally pretty weatherproof PVC, and im assuming its only down in use so UV degredation isnt an issue. Its the electrics that are the problem, but all we are talking about is a tubular motor and 2 microswitches all at mains voltage, so id hazard a guess that as long as the screen casing was undercover or had a weatherproof housing built around it or sealed, youd be fine as long as the supply was fed from a rcd. The only problem is water penetration, and if it happens the rcd should cut the power if it happens.


a manual pull down oviously works fine, time for a pole with hook on the end?



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A bigger issue than waterproofing is wind. Roll down screens by their nature do not have solid frames and as such any air movement will cause the screen to flap about and distort the projected image. I've seen this be an issue indoors just from a temperature difference caused by stage lighting heating the air in front of the screen whilst the blackout rear side of the screen is a lot cooler. This temperature gradient is enough to cause a breathing type effect where the screen periodically bulges - this bulge causes distortion in the image and focus drift. (may not be that important but is an issue none the less.)

Outdoors you'll get a lot of movement unless it happens to be a perfectly still day (if only we could book in certain weather conditions then all outdoor shows would be a lot easier!!)


There are some ways to work round this, though without some more information about the precise requirements of the install it's a little hard to make any meaningful suggestions.

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