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Gs3 & Tigerscan Issue


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Hi Guys,


I was recently given a number of tigerscans and gs3s.. of which ive managed to get most of them working however one gs3 and one tigerscan have the same problem which im a little stuck on ...



both work 100% fine when I put them on test via the dip switch on the base but once I plug them into a desk and try and run them over DMX they just sit there.. they both complete the test sequence without any problems..

As ive never run these fixtures before im wondering whether you could suggest some things to look at to sort this problem ... I have working units on site so can swap parts out to find problems ... just need pointing in the right direction




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I had an issue with a Mini Scan that would complete the test perfectly, but go insane once DMX was applied. The only thing that fixed it was swapping out the main PCB (so I suspect the processor chip could have been at fault as I did the board as a whole). Failing that, might it be a dodgy DIP switch, possibly meaning that the address you are setting is not actually being set?
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Start by replacing the DMX line reciever chip, and make sure that the associated components supporting this chip are fine. Check for dry joints around the DMX connector in and out connectors. Swap the boards with other working units.







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