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Dirty dancing tour


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hey guys, sorry if this is in the wrong section, its my 1st post :),


does anyone know who the production team are for the dirty dancing tour? and who to contact? I tried looking on SJP but my profiles messing up



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While it's very likely that the production team is represented here on the forum, it's very likely that they will stay very quiet about it because most tours have been worked up to a good team effort with known good members of the team, and late introductions are not often taken.
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I have no idea who the production team for the show are, however I applaud any attempt to avoid giving money to a parasitic organisation. Any employer isn't going to mind where a qualified candidate comes from.
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hey guys, sorry if this is in the wrong section, its my 1st post :),


does anyone know who the production team are for the dirty dancing tour? and who to contact? I tried looking on SJP but my profiles messing up




Who are you trying to contact specifically and for what reason? I know a couple of people on the tour but I'm sure they wouldn't be thrilled with my passing on their details....



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I would imagine it's in relation to the LX No. 2 Gig that's opened up Olly...


So production & chief would be the probable contacts?






Which probably means I'm not a great deal of use as my contacts aren't lx related.



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