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Playing in a loud band, we use our PA as follows:

Souncraft EFX 8

behringer ultragraph pro - Ch1 - FOH, Ch2 - Foldback

Yamaha P3500S - to 12" tops

Yamaha P5000S - to 18" subs

we put kick, snare and 2 vocal mics through FOH.

Monitoring - we currently use 200W amp into 12" monitors(2 connected from amp and 1 thru for drummer) We are looking to upgrade as monitoring is not really adequate.

I am Looking at the possibility of Wharefdale EVP -X12PM which is powered to 300W. As we dont have a sound engineer at our gigs I was thinking of the following option:


If we were to get two of the X12PM we could adjust our own on stage volume at the wedge, rather than needing to adjust at the desk which will effect both monitors if we get one powered wedge and one passive. Is this a good idea or not, and am I ok to connect two X12PM's together without any problems in linking or impedence etc? Any other ideas or options much appreciated.

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Your suggestion would work ok.


Looking at the bottom of page 3 on this document I can see that there is a line out socket from which you can link to the second active monitor. Use balanced cabling for all your connections as the mixer's aux output is an impedance-balanced output to avoid problems.


You can even connect one of your existing monitors to each of the Wharfedales should you require extras.



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Th thing with monitors, is that it's sometimes not how loud they are - it's what you have in them. If you only have one monitor mix, then everybody wants everybody in them, so they're rarely that effective - just LOUD.
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I've got one of those Wharfedale monitors. I don't think it's very good. It's not very loud, and doesn't sound very good. Mine is the older model, but I'd be wary none the less. I would certainly advise trying to listen to some before you buy (and comparing them to something else).
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Th thing with monitors, is that it's sometimes not how loud they are - it's what you have in them. If you only have one monitor mix, then everybody wants everybody in them, so they're rarely that effective - just LOUD.


oh sooo very true.


on saturday night I will be in a bar with a capacity of 100 or so and will be running 3 monitor mixes for a 5 piece band.

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The Wharfedales are reasonable but not outstanding (that said I have a new one that needs a new home).

Have you considered in ears for the drummer?

Wired in-ears are a good option and a lot cheaper than wireless (which would be unnecessary for a drummer). The Art MyMonitor box is useful for this, although not sure if it would go loud enough.

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Our mixer only has one aux out per channel, (we all use the same mix - just vox) this works fine although we just need more volume. I think wired in ears would be a lot more messing around ie: Having to mic up everything, capabilities of the mixer etc.
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Thanks all. We mainly only use monitors for vox. We will quite probably use extra monitors as said by soundman. Any other alternative suggestions to Warfedales, still around same budget?


I want to buy some of the Thomann The Box Pro monitors (112MA I think it's called). They appear to be remarkable value for money, though I have not yet heard one. There's a thread about them on here somewhere.

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