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Prompt Book for a Live Talent Show


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Hey all I've been asked to SM a Talent show that's happening at my old school, now I'm pretty confident in doing it but I'm just wondering how you would cue such a event as there's no proper dress run I'm a little stuck. Now I've got to cue LX (as all the LX will be programmed), SX, ASM to help moving bands on and off, curtains and mic tech, now im guessing an act will perform then the presenter will take it to the three judges and then the next act will perform and so on but I just don't know the best way to write a prompt book for this sort of event. Please help :D:D:D


Many Thanks


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You don't have a prompt book, you have a running order and everyone takes their own cues.


You, as SM, simply confirm to everyone who/what the next act is and that there are ready to start.

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You said you have to cue lx as it's programmed - that's a tad unusual, as if you don't have a dress, you won't know the cues for the lighting - unless the 'go' just means do what you want, but start 'now'?


With these shows, the important thing for the stage manager is to tell people when it's time to start - so if the dancers are ready. but not visible - this looks the same out front as it does when you've lost two dancers and are not ready to start - so sound is ready to play the right track, and lights are ready to start with the Blue wash, or whatever - but can't start till you say GO. You may also find it useful if they are using tracks to get the sound op to give you a 30 second reminder and then maybe a 5-4-3-2-1 - I always find that quite useful, and even if you don't actually need it, it's a bit of confirmation then end really is, now!


Your running order just needs to be marked up with useful stuff, like starts on in blackout, starts off, music first then lights, etc

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My old school did one of these at the beginning of the year. (The schools name is the Benjamin Britten High School named after the composer, so "Brittens Got Talent" was a perfect title!)


I was doing all the lighting for the show. All I had was a running order, with notes on it wherever possible. I only saw one act before the show started. I spoke to various people to get all the information I needed and just wrote it on the running order as Paul says mark it up with anything relevant. Personally I took all the timings as they came, looking at what was going on and listening for any music, we didn't have any comms at all, all done on a budget!


It all went fine, and I find these sort of shows very enjoyable




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