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newbie scanner gobo channel question


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I'm new to using anything that moves and I have a question about using a clay paky miniscan 150 with a fatfrog. One of the DMX channels control aperture and strobe and gobos. 0-30% is aperture, then strobe30-50% then gobo sequence.

I want to use the miniscans theatrically and fade them up to a particular brightness with a particular gobo as well. Is this possible? Or is the aperture fully open when using a gobo?





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Looking at the manual online, I'm assuming I got the right one! It dosen't look as if you can adjust the brightness and gobo independently on that fixture.


One idea that just came to me though; is that if you could change the colours in the colour wheel, you might be able to get away with varying colours/brightness using the colour wheel. Far from ideal but it could work.


Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong

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thanks for your reply. You've confirmed what I was thinking

Looking at the manual online, I'm assuming I got the right one! It dosen't look as if you can adjust the brightness and gobo independently on that fixture.


One idea that just came to me though; is that if you could change the colours in the colour wheel, you might be able to get away with varying colours/brightness using the colour wheel. Far from ideal but it could work.


Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong

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