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Studio Lights

the kid

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OOH those are nice as well.


I will have a look next week at the plans and get some more info. As a Side note I assume that install wise 16a would be better than 13/15? and if things were to be moved out run with 13>16 changers?

If your having dimmers then I would put all the dimmables on 15.

If you go down the purely LED ROUTE, then, yes 13 or 16 is best.


No definatly not. A TV studio should be 16amp standerd for dimming and hard power. It might be usful to have a 32 or 63amp socket single or TPNE on the wall for anything 'heavy' that may get brought in for a hire or whatever, and plenty of 13amp in useful places as well.

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If you have a studio installation (and to use the example above) have Arri HMIs, then you will no doubt have explained all the H&S issues when your students started, and added in procedures that are critical for particular equipment. If you are a little paranoid, nothing stops you painting the sprung lid with a bright colour - or even surrounding it with hazard tape. I don't subscribe to the protection from idiots that inconveniences everyone else system. If people are stupid enough to plug a non-dim fixture into a dimmer, then they'd have no worries at using the 16A to 15A adaptors you will have laying around to do exactly the same thing.


The same stupid person must have been declared 'not stupid' to go up the steps to plug it in. Sure - at some point, somebody will wreck something, but really, it's down to their training - and if they are that thick, maybe they shouldn't be put in the position of being able to do it?

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I have to agree.


Few things are more annoying from an operational perspective than having a zillion differing plug types in the rig.


If you are not well enough trained to know the difference between dimmed and non dimmed, then you shouldn't be plugging stuff in until you have been trained sufficiently to know the difference.


Stuff will get broken, sometimes no matter how much training or experience someone has, they can plug the wrong thing in. It's just one of those things.





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Slightly off topic, but will you be having a green screen? If so, it might make sense to use a reflecmedia screen, all the illumination comes from a light ring on the camera so no need to light the screen separately, and no shadows on the screen. You can get green and blue rings for them as well, so it's easy to switch if you need to film someone in a green outfit.




But lights would still be needed to a greater or lesser degree.

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